Bridging course texts

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Diagnostic tests and materials

Find out more about the Macquarie University Mathematical Skills (MUMS) modules that are available to you.

MUMS modules

Each MUMS module begins with a short diagnostic test:

These tests should help you decide whether you need to work through entire modules, or just individual chapters.

The documents below are in Portable Document Format (PDF). You may need to zoom in to see all formulae and graphics correctly.

If you would like to make a recommendation or correction to any of the content, send an email to

To buy one or all of these books, follow the instructions on purchasing MUMS Books. When you access some chapters, you will need to download a zipped file as they have short videos attached to some examples.

To view a chapter with videos:

  1. Download and save the zipped file onto your computer.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Click on the PDF inside. You will need to view the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader to see the videos.

We greatly appreciate your feedback on the videos. Take our short survey on our Numeracy Centre videos.

Module One

You can download the complete Module One [PDF 245KB], or individual worksheets and answers for each topic below:

Module Two

You can download the complete Module Two [PDF 368KB], or individual worksheets and answers for each topic below:

Module Three

You can download the complete Module Three [PDF 585KB], or individual worksheets and answers for each topic below:

Module Four

You can download the complete Module Four [PDF 678KB], or individual worksheets and answers for each topic below:

© Macquarie University 2015

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