Make a report

You can report sexual assault or sexual harassment to the University or to NSW Police.

When you report the incident, you will speak with someone who can offer you access to support and information, and discuss options with you.

Report to the University

You can report anonymously, or provide contact information when you make a report.

Submit a report online to the University. If you can't access the online report, you can complete the Microsoft Word version [DOC 58KB] and email it to

Your report is confidential. Staff will contact you (if you identify yourself) to provide information about support and response options. Response options depend on the situation, and the needs of the person experiencing the behaviour.

If you make an anonymous report, the University may be limited in what it can do to respond.

If you have questions about making a report, you can discuss these with staff at Student Wellbeing.

Report to the police

You can also report to the police, who will ask you about the incident and discuss the possibility of a criminal investigation. You have the option of contacting your nearest Police Station.

You can also make an anonymous report using the Sexual Assault Reporting Options (SARO) questionnaire.

Visit the NSW Police sexual assault information webpage to find out more about reporting to the NSW Police. You can also access a SARO questionnaire from this site.

Student Diversity and Inclusion