If you are an international student at Macquarie University College (MQ College) enrolled in an English Language Program or Standard Foundation Program, this guide explains your attendance requirements, and what to do if you receive a Notice of Intention to Report.
This should be read in conjunction with:
- Macquarie UniversityCollege Attendance Policy – Standard Foundation Program and
- Macquarie University College Attendance Policy – ELICOS Students.
What are my attendance requirements?
All Students Enrolled at MQ College
You are expected to attend each lesson.
If you are an International Student and enrolled in an English Language Program or Standard Foundation Program at MQ College, you must attend 100% of your scheduled classes.
If you are experiencing difficulties and unable to attend class, you must:
- Contact a Student Adviser from MQ College to ensure your course progression is not at risk, and/or
- Contact Student Wellbeing so that support can be provided to you.
- Catch up on any lessons you miss.
- Keep any medical certificates or documents that could explain your absences.
What is a notice of intention to report?
A Notice of Intention to Report for Low Attendance is issued if you are an international student at MQ College and your attendance drops below 80%. This means that the university will report you to the Department of Home Affairs due to your poor attendance unless you appeal this decision successfully.
Standard Foundation Program Only
A Notice of Intention to Report for Failure to Meet Attendance Requirements is issued if you are an international Standard Foundation Program Student at MQ College and your attendance drops below 70%. This means that
the university will report you to the Department of Home Affairs due to your poor attendance unless you appeal this decision successfully.
If I am reported, what will this mean?
A report to the Department of Home Affairs may result in the cancellation of your student visa by the Department of Home Affairs. It is recommended you speak with the Department of Home Affairs about how a Report for low attendance will impact your student visa:
P: 131 881
W: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/
What are the grounds to appeal?
For a Notice of Intention to Report for Low Attendance, if you would like to appeal the decision, you may do so if:
- You experienced Compassionate or Compelling circumstances that impacted upon you or your progress or attendance. You must submit evidence to verify the circumstances.
- The procedure for dealing with the decision was not correctly followed.
A compassionate or compelling circumstance is beyond your control and has an impact on your well-being or progress in a program of study. You will need documentation (such as a letter from your health professional) that demonstrates how your circumstances have impacted your ability to attend classes.
Standard Foundation Program Only
For a Notice of Intention to Report for Failure to Meet Attendance Requirements, if you would like to appeal the decision, you may do so if:
- there were procedural or administrative errors in the calculation of the student’s attendance that, if resolved, would cause the student’s attendance percentage to rise to 70% or above; or
- the procedure for dealing with the matter was not correctly followed.
To appeal a Notice of Intention to report you will need to write a formal statement to explain to the university what the compassionate or compelling circumstance that has impacted upon your studies (with evidence) OR explain what part of the procedure was not correctly followed.
You should also provide evidence of the difficulties you faced, and whether your situation has now improved. This evidence may be provided by your health professional or other relevant authority.
How do I submit an appeal?
Notice of Intention to Report (<80%)
Appeal to: Associate Director, Macquarie University College
- You have 20 working days from the date you are sent the notification letter to appeal your decision.
- Your appeal should be in letter format, with all supporting evidence attached. Follow the instructions in your letter to submit your appeal.
Review by: Director, Macquarie University College
- If your appeal is not successful, you may request this decision to be reviewed by the College Director. You have 5 working days from when you receive the decision to submit your request for review. It is recommended that you provide additional information and supporting evidence when requesting a review of the decision.
Notice of Intention to Report for Failure to Meet Attendance Requirements (<70%) (Standard Foundation Program)
Appeal to: Director, Macquarie University College
- You have 20 working days from the date you are sent the notification letter to appeal your decision.
- Your appeal should be in letter format, with all supporting evidence attached. Follow the instructions in your letter to submit your appeal.
Support Available
Feedback and support with your appeal
If you would like feedback on your appeal against the Notice of Intention to Report, complete the Student Support Services Referral form select “Advocacy support” as the reason for referral, and attach your draft application (with evidence) to your submission.
Counselling Services
If you need support with your overall mental health and wellbeing during this time you may like to get in touch with the Counselling Service.