Team Leader Astronomy

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  5. AHEGS Recognised Co-curricular activities
  6. Team Leader Astronomy

Team Leader - Association for Astronomy

The Team Leader represents the Physics and Astronomy Department via organisation of talks, activities, mentorship and science communication.

"This activity has been approved to be recognised on AHEGS as of October 2018. No retrospective recognition will be made prior to this approval date."

AHEGS qualification criteria

  • Students must be in at least their second year at Macquarie University
  • Demonstrate a contribution to the university and meet ethical guidelines of the university
  • Interviewed, inducted and attended training session
  • Has completed basic and advanced competencies
  • Volunteered for no less than 10 hours
  • Team Leaders have committed to at least 20 hours in the AfA and shown leadership in outreach
  • Commitment varies across the full year depending upon availability of Planetarium and Observatory sessions

This activity would be measured and nominated annually.

Skills required or developed

  • Cognitive Capabilities
  • Discipline-specific knowledge
  • Interpersonal and social capabilities
  • Effective communication
  • Interpersonal and communication
  • Socially and environmentally activity and responsible
  • Marketing and PR Personal capabilities
  • Capable of professional and personal judgement and initiative
  • Commitment to continuous learning
  • Teamwork and networking
Emma Hastings
Department Manager
Physics and Astronomy
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