Peer Leader

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  6. Peer Leader

Peer Leader - Scientific Software and IT

Scientific Software and IT Peer Leaders manage and coordinate student led monthly meetings for the peer-assisted development of scientific software and IT skills

"This activity has been approved to be recognised on AHEGS as of October 2018. No retrospective recognition will be made prior to this approval date."

AHEGS qualification criteria

  • 8 x 120 minutes of meetings plus 5 hrs preparation time per meeting (40hrs approx.).
  • Student leads must be in an approved higher degree research program (including BPhil, MRes or PhD).
  • Review by Department Head as to number of meetings held and quality of feedback from attendees surveyed.

Skills required or developed

  • Education and mentorship
  • Peer mentoring and tutoring
  • Graduate capability developed/employability skills developed
  • Cognitive capabilities
  • Discipline specific knowledge
  • Critical analytical and integrative thinking
  • Interpersonal and social capabilities
  • Effective communication
  • Interpersonal and communication
  • Socially and environmentally activity and responsible
  • Personal capabilities
  • Capable of professional and personal judgement and initiative
  • Commitment to continuous learning
  • Teamwork and networking
Emma Hastings
Department Manager
Physics and Astronomy
Mentoring others Peer support