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Formal end of session or term exams

Exams play a key role in your learning journey and we want you to perform at your peak.

End of session/term centrally run formal exams will usually take place directly following the final week of classes/teaching. Start and end dates of formal examination periods can be found on the academic calendar page.

It is expected that students with exams will be available for the duration of the final examination period in case arrangements are made to reschedule an exam.

Exams are scheduled on weekdays however, during Session 1 and Session 2 formal exam periods (ie. June and November), exams can be scheduled Monday to Saturday.

In session/term tests and exams are managed by the relevant department/faculty.

Types of exams

When exam timetables are released, your timetable will include details of the type of exams you will be sitting in the ‘Notes’ column. This information is the primary exam delivery mode/attendance type for each unit. The expectation is that all students enrolled in a unit attempt the exam as per the stated delivery mode/attendance type.

Types of exams conducted:

  • Invigilated face-to-face on campus – this type of exam will be invigilated (supervised) by the central exam staff and may take the form of a pen-on-paper exam, or on-campus computer lab exam, and may be of open or closed book design.
  • Invigilated online exam – this type of exam will be invigilated (supervised) by central exam staff via Zoom and delivered via iLearn, and may be of open or closed book design. Students are required to have a web camera always turned on during the exam.
  • Online non-invigilated exam – this is a time limited, exam style task and will be scheduled in a tight window, for example, 10 min reading (if applicable) + 2 hour writing time + 30 minutes technical time = 2hr:40min window. The exam format is normally open book and delivered via iLearn.

Materials in examinations

You should check iLearn for each of your units for specific details on your final assessments. It is your responsibility to make sure you are aware of whether an exam is open or closed book, and if any aids or materials are permitted.

In general, formal exams are classified as one of the following:

  • Closed book – you cannot bring any reference materials/resources
  • Closed book with specified materials permitted – this is a closed book exam except for specific additional material/s permitted, eg. 1 x A4 sheet of handwritten notes (double-sided) allowed
  • Open book – you will be able to use reference materials/resources as outlined by your unit convenor on your iLearn page

You can also bring into the exam room:

  • bottled water – must be in a clear, unlabelled/unmarked bottle
  • a watch – must be removed and placed at the tope of the exam desk, where it can be seen clearly and easily by supervisors for duration of exam. All alarms/notifications must be turned off
  • purse or wallet and other valuables including electronic devices (eg. laptop, tablets, phones) – however, they must be switched off and placed face-down under your desk throughout the exam

Exam rules and procedures

There are certain rules and procedures governing exams to make sure all students are assessed fairly and equitably. Before you sit an exam, it is important that you familiarise yourself with these.

Once you enter the exam room, you must comply with all instructions given by the exam supervision staff involved in the conduct of the exam, and you cannot communicate to any other student during the exam.

If you are running late, you will only be allowed to enter the exam room during the first hour, ie. one (1) hour from commencement of working time (excluding any reading time). You will also not be permitted to leave during the first hour of an exam (excluding any reading time), and during the last fifteen (15) minutes.

Photo identification

You must bring valid photo identification with you to each exam as this is required to verify your identity and ensure you are sitting in the correct assigned exam venue. You will be required to place your ID on your desk (top right-hand corner) during the exam.

Make sure you bring your Macquarie University Campus Card (student card) as photographic proof of identity to each exam. Other forms of acceptable photo ID include a current Australian drivers licence, a current Australian Proof of Identify card or a current passport.

Unable to attend an exam

If you can’t attend an exam due to serious and unavoidable difficulties, you can consider applying for Special Consideration. Visit the Special Consideration website for information on the application process, supporting documentation requirements, and timeframes.

Important: If you are feeling unwell and your exam has not yet taken place, do not attempt the exam and refer to Special Consideration. In general, if you do attempt an exam whilst unwell, you are not eligible to apply for Special Consideration.

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