Pre 2001 grades

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  2. Study
  3. Assessments and exams
  4. Academic transcripts
  5. Grading system
  6. Pre 2001 grades

Past grading system

Find our more about our grading system prior to 2001.

Units offered by Macquarie University

Grade Adenotes work of superior quality. This may be demonstrated in areas such as criticism, logical argument, interpretation of materials or use of methodology. This grade may also be awarded to recognise particular originality or creativity in student performance.
Grade Bdenotes work of predominantly good quality, demonstrating sound grasp of content together with efficient organisation, selectivity and use of techniques.
Grade Cdenotes a clear pass and satisfactory achievement of unit objectives.
Grade CQdenotes, for a unit taken after 1982, a pass which is marginal.
Grade Findicates that the student has failed to complete the unit satisfactorily.
Grade Prepresents a pass in a unit for which only one grade of pass is used.
Grade Srepresents attendance and satisfactory participation in a postgraduate seminar unit in which an examination was not required.
Letter Iindicates that the unit is incomplete.
Letter Wdenotes withdrawn without penalty.
* W grades do not appear on transcripts issued after October 2022
Letter Kindicates that enrolment in a postgraduate unit or honours program continued over more than one half year.

Letter Z

indicates that a thesis or dissertation has been submitted and is being assessed.

Units offered by other tertiary institution

Grade Pindicates that the student has completed the unit satisfactorily. For specific grades refer to the transcript from that institution.
Grade Findicates that the student has failed to complete the unit satisfactorily.
Letter Iindicates that the unit is incomplete.