Guide to Academic Appeals

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  4. Student Advocacy
  5. Guide to Academic Appeals

The following information is to help guide students who wish to submit an academic appeal against a University decision for:

  • Admission and readmission
  • Fitness to Practice Requirements
  • Academic Integrity
  • Academic Pause and Exclusion
  • Special Consideration
  • Exclusion under the General Coursework Rules
  • Recognition of prior learning
  • Termination of Higher Degree Research candidature
  • Grade Appeal
  • Decisions relating to the award of PhD, MPhil or MRes degree
  • Enrolment, Leave of Absence, Suspension of Studies, and Withdrawal

This resource should be read alongside the Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure.

The purpose of an appeal is to dispute a decision because you believe that the University has made an error. For example, the University may not have correctly applied a policy or procedure when processing your application.

You need to consider whether you meet the grounds for appeal. Simply disagreeing with a decision or saying that it feels unfair are not grounds for an appeal. If you meet the grounds for appeal, then you need to outline the potential University error in detail.

Grounds for appeal

An academic appeal is an application to overturn a University decision (eligible decisions are listed above). An academic appeal needs to address the grounds for appeal which are:

Academic Appeals Policy (6)

  • the procedure for dealing with the matter was unfair in the circumstances because one or more of the following things occurred:
    • the required procedure for making the decision was not followed
    • there was a lack of procedural fairness (see FAQ page)
    • new information has become available that was not able to be obtained at the time of the decision and which should be taken into consideration; and
  • as a result, the student affected suffered substantial injustice

Things to consider when writing your academic appeal

  • Can you identify the steps that were not followed in the processing of your application?
  • Can you identify which information or evidence was overlooked by the decision-maker?
  • Do you have any new information or evidence that you did not present at the time of your application? Why should this be considered?
  • Procedural Fairness may include:
    • Have you been given clear reasoning for the decision?
    • Do you think that your evidence was considered when the decision was made?

Academic appeals timeframes

To appeal

Made under the following policy


Admission and Re-admission

Admission Policy

Ten (10) working days

A breach or a sanction decision

Academic Integrity Policy

Ten (10) working days

Special Consideration

Special Consideration Policy

Ten (10) working days

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

Ten (10) Working Days

Grade Appeal

Assessment Procedure

Ten (10) working days

Enrolment, Leave of Absence, Suspension of Studies, and Withdrawal

Enrolment Policy,Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies Procedure, and Withdrawal Procedure

Ten (10) working days

Academic Pause and Exclusion

Academic Progression Policy

Twenty (20) working days


General Coursework Rules

Twenty (20) working days

Fitness to Practice requirements

Fitness to Practice Procedure

Twenty (20) working days

Suspend or Exclude

Academic Integrity Policy

Twenty (20) working days

Termination of Higher Degree by Research candidature

Higher Degree Research Rules

Twenty (20) working days

Award of PhD, MPhil or MRes degrees

Higher Degree Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy

Twenty (20) working days

Research degree enrolment, Leave of Absence and Withdrawal

Higher Degree Research Variations to Candidature Policy

Twenty (20) working days

What should I do if I have missed the academic appeals deadline?

If an academic appeal is lodged after the deadline, it may not be processed. If there were exceptional circumstances that prevented you from meeting the deadline then you might consider the following options:

Before the academic appeal deadline

  • Seek an extension before the due date by emailing outlining these areas:
  • The decision you are appealing
  • If available, the reference number
  • Reasons you could not meet the deadline (provide evidence)

After the academic appeal deadline

  • You can explain the exceptional circumstances that prevented you from submitting by the due date by including supporting documentation.

How do I submit an appeal?

Refer to the Academic Appeals information for further details and the form.

Feedback and support with your appeal

If you would like feedback on your appeal, complete the Student CARE MQ Referral form select “Advocacy support” as the reason for referral, and attach your draft appeal (with evidence) to your submission.