Empowering futures


Join us for our inaugural graduate research conference - a four-day event designed to empower graduate researchers to confidently plan for their future.

Underpinned by the four domains of Macquarie’s Graduate Researcher Development Framework (GRDF) – Think, Grow, Deliver, Lead - this conference will provide you with the opportunity to develop skills valued in both academic and non-academic careers, and learn about effective strategies for transitioning into your future pathways.

Key themes:

  • Fresh perspectives: Dive into design thinking and creative visualisation
  • Careers and self-promotion: Learn about research careers and self-promotion
  • Research and engagement: Deepen your knowledge of AI and stakeholder collaboration
  • Impact and leadership: Learn about research careers and self-promotion

The call for papers and posters is now closed. Entries to the Photography competition are open until Friday 1 November.

Register via the links in the program below or visit MyRDC.





9.45am – 10.00am

Welcome to day 1: THINK

10.00am – 11.30am


Creativity as a Driver of Research Excellence

Discover how integrating creativity into your research can not only enhance the quality of your work but also increase its relevance and impact on your academic community. Learn techniques to break free from traditional analytical approaches and embrace creative problem-solving to overcome research challenges.

Presented by Drs Lars Groger and Lara Moroko from Fisher Folk.

11.30am – 11.45am


11.45am – 1.00pm


Visualising your results – the good, the bad, and the ugly

Visualising data allows us to see the shape of our results making it easier to detect trends, identify correlations and sometimes spot subtle patterns that might otherwise be missed. Visualisations also allow us to communicate our findings more effectively with others, and here in particular it is important that we offer clear and meaningful charts that illuminate and present the data to best effect. In this session we will delve into the wonderful world of visualisation, and how we blend the science of perception and the art of design to create a strong visual narrative.

Presented by Dr Nicky Bull.




9.45am – 10.00am

Welcome to day 2: GROW

10.00am – 11.30am


Get that postdoc!  

Come along to this panel discussion and hear valuable insights into the strategies, challenges, and successes our panellists have encountered while transitioning from their studies to postdoctoral positions.

There will be two concurrent streams:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine (STEMM)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)

Presenters will be confirmed closer to the conference.

11.30am – 11.45am


11.45am – 1.00pm


Shameless Self-Promotion

It's tempting to think that if you are clever and work hard then people will notice and shower you with rewards. Tempting but probably not true. As well as being clever and working hard you also need to be able to promote yourself. In this workshop you will learn strategies for:  putting yourself out there, asking for what you want, taking responsibility – not waiting for it to happen, developing your one minute pitch and presenting yourself effectively for promotions, grants, awards. This workshop will look at:

  • asking for what you want
  • why waiting isn’t enough
  • using convincing language- self promotion
  • networking, mentoring and collaborating
  • putting yourself in the spotlight
  • media and other methods to communicate

Presented by Hugh Kearns from iThinkWell.




9.45am – 10.00am

Welcome to day 3: DELIVER

10.00am – 11.30am


Generative AI in Research

Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models) can manipulate and generate text and media in response to arbitrary instructions. These new capabilities offer opportunities and risks to researchers. Come along and hear about the benefits and risks of this evolving technology, and your obligations when using it for your research.

Presented by Dr Brian Ballsun-Stanton, Macquarie University

11.30am – 11.45am


11.45am – 1.00pm


Walking the tightrope: communicating research to competing stakeholders

Ever wondered how you can communicate your research in different ways to multiple audiences? Come along to this panel discussion and hear from current students engaged in global PhD and industry programs about delivering their research in different formats to key stakeholders and industries.

Presenters will be confirmed closer to the conference.

THURSDAY 28 NOVEMBER (on campus)



Register for full day (includes lunch and morning tea)

9.00am – 9.30am

Registration and arrival coffee

Poster presentations, photo competition, 3MT and VYT reels

9.30am – 9:45am

Welcome to Day 4: LEAD

9:45am –11:30am

Lightning  presentations

Student presentations - presenters to be announced in early October

11.30am – 11.45am Morning tea

11.45am – 1.00pm

Intro to Keynote speaker
Keynote Speaker: Dr Julie Vonwiller, Appen

1.00pm – 2.15pm

Lunch / Networking Session

PLUS poster presentations, photo competition, 3MT and VYT reels

2.15pm – 2.30pm Awards & event wrap-up

Highlight the transformative impact of your research!

Do you have research with a significant impact? Here's your chance to showcase it!

Submit your abstract and seize the opportunity to highlight the transformative impact of your research in just five minutes. Impress our judges and captivate the audience for a chance to win prizes!

  • Theme: "What is the transformative impact of your research?"
  • Presentation date: Thursday, 28 November 2024
  • Presentation requirements: 5 minutes long, no more than four (4) powerpoint slides


  • First place: $300.00
  • Second place: $200.00
  • People's Choice: $100.00


  • All winners will be provided with the opportunity to promote their research in the MQ Lighthouse for media exposure.

Submission guidelines

To apply, submit an abstract for your research paper that is relevant to the theme. Please read the Presentation Guidelines before submitting your application.

  • Application form
  • Abstract deadline: Friday 13 September 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: Friday 20 September 2024

Apply now and make your impact known!

Showcase your research impact!

Do you have research that makes a difference? Macquarie's research community would love to see it!

Submit your abstract and design an eye-catching poster that highlights the powerful impact of your research. Impress our judges and win over the audience to claim prizes!

  • Theme: "Showcase your research"
  • Presentation date: Thursday 28 November 2024
  • Poster size: Between A3 to A0


  • First place: $300.00
  • Second place: $200.00
  • People's Choice: $100.00

Submission guidelines

To apply, submit an abstract for your research poster that is relevant to the theme. Already presented a poster about your research this year? Great news - you can reuse it for this conference!  Please read the Presentation Guidelines before submitting your application.

  • Application form
  • Abstract deadline: Friday 13 September 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: Friday 20 September 2024

Submit now and promote your research!

A day in the life of a researcher!

Do you have a compelling story to tell about the daily life of a researcher? Here's your chance to showcase it!

Submit your photo and capture the essence of your research journey. Highlight the transformative moments and everyday experiences that define your work. Impress our judges and captivate the audience for a chance to win prizes!

  • Theme: “A day in the life of a researcher”
  • Presentation date: Thursday 28 November 2024
  • Creative brief:  Capture any aspect of living the “life of a graduate researcher” within a single image (i.e., no composite or panelled images).


  • First place: $300.00
  • Second place: $200.00
  • People's Choice: $100.00

Submission guidelines

To apply, submit your photo with one sentence outlining how your photo relates to the theme. Please read the competition Terms and Conditions before submitting your application.

  • Application Form
  • Submission deadline: Friday 1 November 2024
  • Winners will be announced at the conference on Thursday 28 November 2024

Apply now and let your story be seen!

Presenting at this conference - or another - soon? Want to improve your public speaking for future presentations? Join the GR Development team in upgrading your conference skills.

This 2-hour workshop covers several less-obvious but essential skills for participating fully in academic conferences. From presenting posters and lightning presentations to chairing sessions and networking with a cup of coffee and pastry in your hands, you’ll not only hear some great advice but get to practise with real props!

  • Friday 18 Oct , 10am to 12pm

Register for the Conference hacks workshop

This year’s GR Conference presenters and sessions chairs should definitely register, but any graduate researcher who plans to attend, present at, or apply for a conference is welcome.

This conference is proudly supported by:

