Check-in with us to see how you are progressing

Throughout your journey, there are several milestones in place to check-in with you, ensure your research is progressing satisfactorily and help you overcome any research-related challenges.

The Confirmation of Candidature and the Annual Progress Review are formal review processes used to assess your progress in developing a viable research program and satisfactory progress.

Your department/school may also set additional progress reporting requirements that you are required to complete (for example, MRes Protocol). These requirements will vary between departments. Check out your Faculty iLearn unit for additional information.

For further information about milestones, progress indicators, and the review processes, see the Graduate Research Continuation Policy and Procedure.

The Confirmation of Candidature (CoC) is a mandatory process to demonstrate that you have developed a viable research project plan, have completed mandatory training requirements, and are progressing your candidature at a satisfactory level to indicate you are on track to complete your degree by your Expected Work Submission (EWS) date.

This is achieved through a minimum of:

  1. the submission of a piece of written work, of appropriate length, style and content, such as a comprehensive research proposal including a detailed budget, completion plan and literature review, which clearly establishes and articulates the academic merits of the research;
  2. MQ ethics or other approvals (if required); and
  3. completion of mandatory training requirements (including but not limited to induction/commencement programs, academic integrity, research integrity, and research data management).

Additional requirements for CoC are established by Faculties and Departments and may include, but are not limited to:

  • an oral presentation to a group including peers and academic staff, with written and/or verbal feedback; and
  • verbal discussion and defence of the research proposal.

Through these processes, you will be required to demonstrate that you can:

  • analyse information/data and identify gaps in existing research;
  • develop research questions and situate their research in the current research literature;
  • clearly articulate relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application within their research plan; and
  • develop a manageable project plan and budget for their research project.

Confirmation timeline

You are strongly encouraged to speak with your supervisor about the expected date of the CoC early in your candidature to ensure that you have sufficient time to prepare and meet requirements.




3 months after commencement (or part-time equivalent)

4 – 6 months after commencement (or part-time equivalent)

6 – 8 months after commencement (or part-time equivalent)

Research Integrity

All researchers (including but not limited to Graduate Research students and their supervisors) are responsible for adhering to the principles of academic and research integrity. Roles and responsibilities of researchers in maintaining and managing academic and research integrity are specified in the Academic Integrity Policy, the Macquarie University Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (Macquarie University Research Code) and its accompanying standards.

To enable training in research integrity, you are required to submit your research proposal to your Principal Supervisor for submission to iThenticate. This tool will generate an originality report and will determine a text similarity percentage based on the proportion of the proposal that is matched to internal or external sources.

Your supervisor must assess the similarity percentage and the originality report generated in iThenticate and use their academic judgement to determine whether the text-matches indicate a problem with originality that needs to be addressed.

There are no standard or ideal maximum or minimum similarity percentages applicable across all research outputs and disciplines. Even a document with a low overall similarity percentage could contain plagiarised text that needs to be further scrutinised or addressed.

When the similarity percentage and the originality report indicates instances of text-matching for the proposal submitted for the CoC, or equivalent, your supervisor must discuss the extent and nature of the matches with you and specify the next stages of dealing with the matter.

For further information, view the GR iThenticate Procedure.

The Annual Progress Report (APR) is a formal tool used by the University and faculties to ensure PhD and MPhil students:

  • are progressing their candidature at a satisfactory level to continue in the degree and are on track for completion by their Expected Work Submission (EWS) date;
  • have appropriate supervision arrangements and resources to support timely completion;
  • are aware of and engaged with the research community, such as attendance and presentation at seminars;
  • have identified any areas of additional support or skill development they may need;
  • have recorded any personal, academic or technical issues that may impact on their research; and
  • have developed a plan for their research project, including activities and progress milestones, for the next twelve (12) months.

Your level of progress will be determined through a review of your research capabilities. You will be required to demonstrate that you:

  • have used strategies to plan and keep your research project on track for a timely completion;
  • have prioritised activities and delivered results on time, including meeting objectives from the previous APR; and
  • can critically reflect and report on your progress during the previous twelve (12) months

The process provides an opportunity for you and your supervisor(s) to critically reflect on progress in your research program and skill development in the last 12 months, to highlight your achievements and identify any areas of additional support you might need, and plan for your intended research directions in the year ahead. This ensures the quality and timely completion of your research program.

Who needs to complete the Annual Progress Report?

All PhD and MPhil students are required to complete the APR including Cotutelles and Joint PhDs where this is a requirement of your individual candidature agreement. Master of Research (MRes)  students are not required to complete a report.

You do not need to complete the Annual Progress Report (APR) if any of the following apply:

  • You enrolled after 01 July 2024.
  • You have been on a continuous Leave of Absence since 1 January 2024.
  • You submitted your thesis to the Graduate Research Academy (GRA) on or before 16 September 2024.
  • You notified the University of your complete withdrawal from your degree on or before 16 September 2024.
  • You are exempted by the terms of a Joint PhD program (please consult the GRA if you are unsure)

In accordance with the Higher Degree Research Variations to Candidature Policy, failure to complete the APR can also lead to cessation of enrolment.

If you are unable to submit by the due date or are unable to submit online, you must contact the GRA immediately.


  • The 2024 Annual Progress Report (APR) opens on 16 September 2024. It will remain open until 30 September 2024.
  • Before completing your APR, you should arrange a mutually convenient time with your Principal/Acting Supervisor to review your progress during the past year and to discuss the progression plan for work to be completed in the next twelve months.
  • The 2023 APR questions are available for review in both Microsoft Word [DOCX 47KB] and Adobe PDF [PDF 21KB] formats. They will be similar the 2024 APR, and the 2023 questions will be posted prior to opening.
  • Once open, to complete your report log into the 2024 Annual Progress Report using your Student ID to access the system. If you experience any difficulty with login issues, please contact the IT Service Desk on +61 (2) 9850 4357.
  • The recommendation/outcomes of the 2024 APR align with Graduate Research Continuation Policy and Procedure.

Confidential feedback

In some instances, you may be experiencing issues that you do not wish to include in your APR or discuss with either your supervisor(s) or faculty Associate Dean (Research Training and Performance). If this is the case, you can request a confidential appointment with the Graduate Research Academy’s Academic Director, Professor Jennifer Cornish; or the Graduate Research Academy’s Operations Director, Dr Louise Dwyer via


Each progress review is assessed by the Department/School Research Training Director or MRes Director/Advisor where one of three outcomes will occur:

  • your progress is at a satisfactory level, and your candidature will continue; or
  • your progress is at a marginal level, and you will be required to complete an Interim Progress Review (not applicable to the COC); or
  • your progress is at an unsatisfactory level and you will be required to complete a Panel Review.

If your progress is at a marginal level, you will be required to complete an action plan in consultation with your supervisory team and provided with a set period of time to demonstrate progress. This will be measured by completing an Interim Progress Report (IPR). The period of time provided will vary according to the graduate research degree:

  1. For MRes, student will be provided with a month (or part-time equivalent);
  2. For MPhil, student will be provided with two (2) months (or part-time equivalent);
  3. For PhD, student will be provided with three (3) months (or part-time equivalent).

You will be provided with relevant academic and research support from the University as needed and/or changes may be supported with additions to your supervisory panel.

Progress Review Action Plan

In collaboration with your supervisor, you are required to set objectives and review progress over the designated time period.

Steps to be completed:

  1. Using the Action Plan, list all the activities, milestones and workshops that should be completed during the designated time period;
  2. Review your progress against these objectives at supervisor meetings and note what progress has been achieved;
  3. At the end of the designated time, meet with your supervisor to discuss the final recommendation for this review (satisfactory/unsatisfactory progress) and complete your IPR (your supervisor will provide the IPR template).


The Interim Progress Report will be reviewed by the supervisory panel and Department/School Research Training Director or MRes Director to determine if progress is at a satisfactory level. One of two outcomes will occur:

  • your progress is at a satisfactory level, and your candidature will continue; or
  • your progress is at an unsatisfactory level and you will be required to undergo a Panel Review.

If your progress is at an unsatisfactory level as determined by a Departmental Review of Progress, Interim Progress Review, or an outcome of non-confirmation of candidature from your CoC , you will be required to complete an action plan in consultation with your supervisory team and will be provided with a set period of time to improve your progress prior to undergoing a Panel Review of Progress. The period of time provided will vary according to the graduate research degree:,

  1. For MRes, students will be provided with a month (or part-time equivalent);
  2. For MPhil, students will be provided with two (2) months (or part-time equivalent);
  3. For PhD, students will be provided with three (3) months (or part-time equivalent).

You will be provided with relevant academic and research support from the GRA as needed and/or changes may be supported with additions to your supervisory panel.

Progress Review Action Plan for Panel Review

In collaboration your supervisor, an independent experienced advisor and Department Research Training Director or MRes Director, you will set objectives and review progress over the designated time period.

Steps to be completed:

  1. Using the Action Plan, list all the activities, milestones and workshops that should be completed during the designated time period;
  2. Review your progress against these objectives at supervisor meetings and note what progress has been achieved;
  3. At the end of the designated time, meet with your supervisor to discuss the final recommendation for this review (satisfactory/unsatisfactory progress). You can then proceed with completing a Panel Review Progress Report;
  4. Your supervisors will review the Panel Review Progress Report, provide their recommendation and forward the Report, the completed Progress Review Action Plan and any associate documents to the Department Research Training Director or MRes Director;
  5. The Department Research Training  Director or MRes Director will arrange for a Panel Review of your progress in accordance with the Graduate Research Continuation Policy.

Outcomes from Panel Review

A Panel consisting of the independent advisor, Department Research Training Director or MRes Director, at least one academic external to the department and the AD, RTP will review your progress, and overall dynamics of the student-supervisory team, in accordance with the agreed progress plan. One of three outcomes will occur:

  • if your progress is deemed to be at a satisfactory level by the Panel, your candidature will continue, or in the case of Confirmation of Candidature, candidature is confirmed;
  • if your progress is deemed to be at an unsatisfactory level, the Review Panel will recommend one of the following options:
    • the student may transfer degrees if eligible (PhD to MPhil only);
    • withdraw; or
    • Formal Review of Candidature by the Faculty Executive Dean.

Details about the Formal Review process and outcomes can be found in the Graduate Research Continuation Procedure.