Resume checker - CV360

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  6. Resume checker - CV360

Get instant resume feedback

Your resume is usually what makes it or breaks it during the interim screening stages. Get instant resume/CV advice using our free online tool, CV360.

CV360 provides tailored feedback on your resume and tips on how it can be improved. The feedback provided in relation to your resume relates to:

  • Presentation
  • Structure
  • Content
  • Language

CV360 also provides CV advice, employer insight and best practice tips.


  1. To access CV360, make sure you have a resume ready.
  2. If not, consider attending a Resume Workshop or completing an online module or using the CV Builder to create your resume.
  3. Once your document is complete, simply upload it in word format to CV360.
  4. Wait a few minutes for your rating and feedback.
  5. Assess the feedback and make the necessary changes. You can re-submit your resume for another rating.
  6. If still looking for guidance, you can make an appointment for a personalised review by a Careers Advisor.


We recommend uploading the Word version of your resume. It is more difficult for the system to read a PDF version which means you won't get the detailed feedback you need to improve.

  • Green: a score of 85 and above means your resume has many of the key elements.
  • Yellow: a score between 51 and 84 means your resume is missing several key elements.
  • Red: a score of 50 or less means your resume is missing a lot of the key elements. You will need to incorporate the feedback to improve your score and overall resume.
  • File: 9 per cent
  • Presentation: 13 per cent
  • Structure: 18 per cent
  • Content: 40 per cent
  • Skills: 4 per cent
  • Language: 16 per cent

You can print the feedback or download it as a PDF:

  1. Click on each section so that the feedback is visible.
  2. Click on the print icon on the top right of the screen to print or save.

No, you need to open both the program and your resume separately to incorporate the feedback.

Yes, but we would still recommend you ask someone else to read through it for a final check.

Feedback can be dismissed by you if you think the feedback is not relevant or inaccurate for any reason. As soon as you dismiss any of the feedback, your overall score will be updated.

Yes, note however there is a 'fair use' policy and repeated resubmissions will lead to a warning on the system.

CV360 doesn't know the specific role you are applying for, so it cannot provide feedback on how effectively your resume is responding to the selection criteria. Before applying for a role, ensure you are clearly addressing the selection criteria on your resume.

If you would like additional resume feedback beyond CV360, please book in a 10-minute one-on-one Resume Review with the Careers and Student Employment.

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