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- Numeracy Centre
- Macquarie University
- 14 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Ave NSW 2109
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Taking lecture notes, writing summaries and completing exercises are important ways of studying mathematics, and revising for mathematics assignments and exams.
The Measurement Unit includes interactive resources designed to help science students come to grips with the details of measuring things.
Your lecturer may not include everything he or she says during the lecture in the lecture notes or slides, so take note of any key spoken points.
Make sure that your lecture notes are easy to understand so that you can refer back to them for revision and study purposes.
Summarise each topic using your lecture notes and related or prescribed texts.
This will provide you with a quick review of what you are expected to know in your course.
You can make summaries by:
Textbooks are an additional resource to your lecture notes. Often a topic may be expanded on in more detail in your textbook with additional examples given.
When you make your summaries have your textbook open at your topic and use it as a reference and guide.
Find exercises that are related to the topic that you are studying. You can use your tutorial exercises as a guide but also refer to your textbook and recommended reading lists for further exercises.
Don’t be scared to ask your lecturer or tutor for help if you're stuck. Spend time at the Numeracy Centre (or your Mathematics Study Centre) where tutors are available to give you individual face-to-face help. You can also discuss your questions and seek help from your friends and fellow classmates.
Redo past assignments before your exam to give yourself an idea of the standard of knowledge you are required to have. For more information about this topic, have a look at Paul’s Online Notes.