Student Advocacy's Role

  1. Students
  2. Support
  3. Personal support
  4. Student Advocacy
  5. Student Advocacy's Role

The role of Student Advocacy is to provide information and advice to students

The service acts in the best interest of the student and is independent of the decision-makers at the University. Student Advocacy does not have the authority to make, or reverse, decisions on appeals, complaints, or other university applications.

Student Advocacy offers support to all students at the University and endeavours to meet their needs. Based on the available resources, there may be limitations around the level of assistance that can be provided.

Whilst Student Advocacy can provide guidance to students, such as identifying relevant University policies, procedures or administrative processes, the student must represent themselves in their own matters, manage the progress of their own matters, and prepare their own documents and correspondence.

Key information for use of Student Advocacy service:

  1. The service assists current Macquarie University students.
  2. The service is unable to provide information and guidance on the processes followed by external agencies, e.g., the NSW Ombudsman.
  3. The student is responsible for managing their case, e.g., submitting the application and communicating directly with the relevant University department.
  4. If a student repeatedly misses or cancels Advocacy appointments, this may lead to limited access to the service.
  5. Student Advocacy will not tolerate behaviour (including correspondence) that is rude or aggressive or presents any threat to the safety or wellbeing of any person.
  6. Access to Student Advocacy may be limited based on the following factors:
    1. The number of previous appointments and requests made to Student Advocacy.
    2. If a student repeatedly misses or cancels Advocacy appointments.
    3. The nature of the student’s issues and their willingness to engage in a reasonable manner.
    4. The demand for Student Advocacy services and available resources.
    5. Student Advocacy may vary or suspend the provision of the service it provides if the behaviour or actions of a student are inconsistent with the provision of the Service under these Guidelines.