Guide to Academic Progression at MQ College

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  5. Guide to Academic Progression at MQ College

A guide to help Macquarie University College (MQ College) students understand their academic progression requirements and to help students understand the appeal process if they have been issued a Notice of Academic Pause.

This should be read in conjunction with the MQ College Academic Progression Policy.

It also includes information about Maximum Time to Complete.

Stages of Academic Progression

The university wants students to succeed. There are measures in place to check in with you if you are at risk of not meeting progression requirements.

The Minimum Rate of Progress (MRP) for MQ College students is passing 50 percent or more units attempted after you receive 4 final grades.

Used to identify if you are at risk of not meeting the progression requirements. This could include:

  • Not submitting your assignments
  • Not participating in classes
  • Not completing homework tasks
  • Receiving low grades on your assessments
  • You could also be classed as ‘At Risk’ if:
  • You are attempting a unit for the second (or subsequent) time
  • You are enrolling in a unit combination that is difficult to complete together
  • Your results from earlier units indicate that you may have difficulties in the current unit.

What does this level mean?

You may need to meet with a Student Adviser from MQ College to discuss an appropriate Intervention Strategy.

Your Intervention Strategy could include:

  • A welfare check
  • Suggestions of academic or personal support options
  • Review of key policies and responsibilities
  • Changes to your enrolment or class registration
  • Referral to academic support services on campus

If you receive an invitation to meet with a Student Adviser it is strongly recommended that you attend the appointment and follow the Intervention Strategy put in place to help you.

Used when:

  • You received 1 or more fail grades during the term, and
  • You are currently meeting MRP (ie. based on all units you have attempted, you have passed at least 50%).

What does this level mean?

You will receive an email reminding you of your progression requirements. Be sure to read through the support information carefully and use the services suggested for you.

Used when:

  • You received 1 or more fail grades during the term, and
  • You are not meeting MRP (ie. based on all units you have attempted, you have not passed at least 50%)

What does this level mean?

  • You are required to meet with an Advisor prior to census day, an email will be sent to you with a booking link in week 1 of the Term. Strategies will be recommended to assist you with your studies. Your participation in these strategies will be monitored.
  • At the end of this term, your progression level will be reassessed:
    • If you receive no fail grades, and have met MRP, the university will stop monitoring you, unless your status changes in the future.
    • If you receive no fail grades, but have not met MRP, you will stay on Monitored Enrolment; continue accessing strategies to improve your academic standing for next term.
    • If you receive 1 or more Fail grades your standing will drop to Assessment of Progression (ARMI Phase 3).

Engaging with the Advisors is important each Term you may be in Monitored enrolment.

Used when:

  • You fail any units when your Academic Standing is Monitored Enrolment.

What does this level mean?

At this stage, MQ College will reassess your academic progress to check:

  • Whether you have improved in your studies
  • Whether you have participated in the intervention strategies
  • Whether you are participating in class, doing well in your assignments and have good feedback from your teachers.
  • Whether you engaged with the Advisors during Monitored Enrolment.

The university may:

  • Move you back to Monitored Enrolment
  • Recommend that you be placed on an Academic Pause

Used when:

  • You have not improved your results or made good progress in your program.

What does this level mean?

  • You will not be able to enrol for 2 terms.
  • You can appeal this decision within 20 working days of receiving the Notice of Academic Pause. See the section below for further information about appealing this decision.
  • At the end of the 2 term pause, you will be moved back to Monitored enrolment.
  • If you are an International Student you will need to re-apply for your course as you will be discontinued.

It is strongly recommended that you participate in any intervention strategy offered by the university. These strategies are designed to help you improve your studies.

Appealing a Notice of Academic Pause

If you have been issued a Notice of Academic Pause, you have 20 working days to appeal this decision. You must submit your appeal to the Education Manager, via Your appeal should include:

The reasons you were not able to meet the Minimum Rate of Progress, and

Include any supporting documentation about your situation (in English or with an official NAATI accredited translation).

Reasons you are not able to meet the MRP

Think carefully about why you did not meet the MRP. Your circumstances may be academic (trouble with specific units or unit content, with a specific type of assessment, with learning environment, with English levels etc.) or personal (factors outside of your studies such as unstable environment, financial concerns or mental/physical health difficulties – circumstances supported by health professionals). You should review your intervention strategies, what the recommendations were, whether you engaged with these strategies and what worked or did not work for you.

It is also recommended to discuss what you would do differently in the future if the university permitted you to continue studying. You can view the Support Webpage to familiarise yourself with the different ways you can get help on campus.

Feedback and support with your appeal

If you would like feedback on your appeal, complete the Student Support Services Referral form select “Advocacy support” as the reason for referral and attach your draft appeal (with evidence) to your submission.

Maximum time to complete

In addition to the stages of progression, all students must complete their program within the Maximum Time to Complete.

Course Name

Maximum Time to Complete

Intensive Program

1 Year

Standard Foundation Program

18 Months


18 Months

Undergraduate Certificate

1 Year

If you do not complete your program in the Maximum Time to Complete, you will be unable to enrol in further terms, unless an Application for an Extension of Time is successful. See below for further information about applying for an Extension of Time.

Submitting An Application For An Extension Of Time

If you believe that you will not complete your program within the Maximum Time to Complete, you may apply for an extension of time. Your application should be sent to the Education Manager, Macquarie University College via

To be eligible for an Extension of Time, you must have experienced Compassionate or Compelling circumstances that are beyond your control and which have impacted your progress or well-being. Examples of Compassionate/Compelling Circumstances include:

  • Serious illness or injury
  • Bereavement of close family members (such as parents or grandparents)
  • Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel
  • Traumatic experience (such as involvement in, or witnessing a serious accident or crime)

An application should include each of the following components:

  1. Why you have not been able to complete your program during the maximum time allowed, and
  2. What you are doing (or what you have already done) to improve your circumstances, and
  3. How you are now fit to complete your course.

You should lodge an Application for Extension of Time at least 2 weeks before the term you wish to enrol in. No applications will be considered if your Maximum Time to Complete lapsed more than 1 month prior.

Feedback and support with your application

If you would like feedback on your application for an extension of time, complete the Student Support Services Referral form select “Advocacy support” as the reason for referral, and attach your draft application (with evidence) to your submission.