Previous graduation ceremony speakers
Find the list of past pre-eminent occasional speakers at graduation ceremonies below.
- Kristian Kolding, BBus MSc MBA (Exec), Head of Consulting, Oxford Economics
- The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG, BA LLM BEc USyd, Former Justice of the High Court of Australia
- Dr Paul Wood PSM, BEd ACU MEd Macq. PhD USyd, Executive Director, NSW Department of Education
- Wayne Rylands, BEngg GDipBus MBA, Chief Executive Officer, City of Ryde Council
- Dr Vanessa Pirotta, BSc ANU MRes PhD Macq., Wildlife Scientist, Marine Predator Research Group, Macquarie University
- Lucinda Brogden AM, BCom UNSW MOrgPsych Macq., Non-Executive Director, Australian Unity
- Dr Brendan Nelson AO, BMBS FRACP(Hon) FAMA FRNS FACN(Hon), President, Boeing Global, The Boeing Company
- His Excellency Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri, LLM MBA, High Comissioner, High Commission for Pakistan
- Dr Scott Phillipson, Director, St Ives Chiropractic
- Associate Professor Julian Droogan, Associate Professor, Department of Security Studies and Criminology, Macquarie University
- Paul Barnett, Elevated Leadership
- Dr Jo Anne Rey, BA(DipEd) Macq. MEd Monash PhD Macq., Post-Doctoral Fellow (Indigenous), Macquarie University
- Distinguished Professor Ron Rapee AM, MSc(Psychol) PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Macquarie University
- Rodrigo Galvis Gonzalez, MBA Macq., ANZ Orthodontics Portfolio Manager, 3M
- Scott Atkins, BEc LLB Macq. LLM USyd, Chair, Norton Rose Fulbright
- Angie Kelly, Editor, The Lighthouse, Macquarie University
- Emeritus Professor Michael Johnson, PhD, FACS CP, FAustMS, FGIA, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University
- Professor Jim Patrick, BSc MSc DEng DSc FIEAust CPEng (Ret) FTSEx, Chief Scientist - Emeritus, Cochlear Limited
Michael Campbell, Executive Director, Publishing Director, WestWords - Jacqueline Dinklo, MBA Macq. PhD UTS, Sessional Academic, Macquarie University
- Aarti Joshi, BSc MBA, Chief Information Officer, NSW Department of Customer Service
- Stephanie Salazar, BABEd Macq., Founder/Director/Instructional Leadership Consultant & Coach, Sanctuaries of Learning
- Professor Viviana Wuthrich, BPsych(Hons), MPysch(Clin), PhD Macq., Professor of Clinical Psychology, School of Psychological Sciences
- Tommy Holt, BMedia, MMgmt Macq., Head of Group Campaign Communications, Woolworths Group
- Ainslie van Onselen, LLB MAppFin GAICD, CEO, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
- Dr Andrew Hirschhorn, Director, Allied Health and MQ Health Academy
- Professor John Potts, BA MA PhD, Professor, Media Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature, Macquarie University
- Dr Brad Walsh, PhD, CEO, Minomic International Ltd
- Kimberley Randle, Founder and CEO, FairSupply
- Karen Gu, Group Finance Director, Billigence
- Riona Cusack, BSocSci Macq., Program Manager, MOA Benchmarking
- Professor Robert Mailhammer, PhD, MA (LMU Munich), Professor of Linguistics, Western Sydney University
- Bola Oyetunji, BEc, MCom(Fin), GAICD, CPA, Auditor-General for New South Wales, Audit Office of New South Wales
- Sophie Murray-Farrell, MHumRights, Director, Connected Communities, NSW Premier's Department
- Alex Thompson, BSci (Hons), Managing Director, Medline International
- Professor Stephen A Deane AM, MBBS FRACS FRCSC FACS FRCST(Hon) FRCSEd(Ad Hom), Lead, Clinical Partnerships; Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Health and Human Sciences, Macquarie University
- Dr Shane Oliver, BA(Hons) PhD Macq., Chief Economist & Head of Investment Strategy, AMP
- Sakura Mukhopadhyay, BEng Macq., Overhead Wiring Engineer, Arcadis Australia
- Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert, BA(Hons), PhD, Macquarie University Research Fellow, Department of Security Studies and Criminology
- Alan Sunderland, BA Melb.
- Ms Lisa Chung AM, LLB, Chair, Australian Unity
- Professor Renate Egan, BSc(Hons) PhD Macq., UNSW Lead, Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics
- Adam Driussi, BEc Macq., CEO, Quantium
- Brook Adcock, BSc, MAIC, Executive Chairman, Adcock Private Equity
- Associate Professor Anthony Korner, PhD, M.Med. (Psychotherapy), M.B.B.S. (Hons), FRANZCP, Director, Westmead Psychotherapy Program, University of Sydney, Western Sydney LHD
- Murray Bleach, BA MAppFin Macq., Chairman, Tidal Ventures
- John Hilton, BEng(Hons), Global Capability Leader, Bridges, Aurecon
- Associate Professor Louise Koelmeyer, BAppSc (OT), PhD, Head, Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
- Catherine Brenner, BEcLLB Macq. MBA UNSW, Non Executive Director, Scentre Group Limited
- Professor Garth Nicholson, MBBS PhD FRACP FANZAN, Honorary Professor of Neurogenetics, University of Sydney
- Detective Superintendent Brad Monk, GradCertPolMgmt, Aviation Commander, NSW Police Force
- Blair Hudson, BIT Macq.
- Jerome Laxale MP, BA UNSW, Division of Bennelong, Federal Member of Parliament
- Marina Go, Chair, Adore Beauty, BA (Mass Comm.), MBA (exec)
- Professor Rob Ivison, BSc Hons, PhD, Senior Astronomer, European Southern Observatory
- Graeme Smith, BCom-Accg, MTax, CA ANZ, Partner, Deloitte
- Professor Emeritus Simon George, BSc Hons Geology, PhD organic geochemistry
- Professor Emerita Ann Curthoys AM, BA(Hons) Syd., PhD Macq., FAHA FASSA
- Professor Cathy McMahon, BPhys(Hons), BA(Hons), PhD, Honorary Professor
- Catia Davim, MBA Macq., Partner KPMG
- John Goh, MA (Education); MA (TESOL); BEd; Grad Dip TESOL; Dip Teach, Principal, Merrylands East Public School
- Matt Cross MP, BA (Hons), MUSS, MPA, Member of Davidson, Parliament of NSW
- Mrs Lucinda Brogden AM, BCom, MOrgPsych, Director, Australian Unity
- The Hon Gabrielle Upton FAICD, BA LLB UNSW, MBA N.Y., AMP HBS
- Gabrielle Sinclair, DipTeach Qld.UT, BEdSt MEdSt Qld., MPA Griff., CEO, Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority
- Nadia Bekarian, BGraphDes, Acting National Manager, SBS In Language, Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)
- David Hannon, BEc DipEd FINSIA, Director, Chifley Investor Group
- Andrew Tiedt, BCom-Accg LLB Macq., Director, J Sutton Associates
- Rev. Dr Elenie Poulos, BA (Hons), BTh, MA, PhD, Board Member, Uniting NSW.ACT & Adjunct Fellow, Macquarie University
- Dr Simon Carlile, PhD Syd., Senior Staff Researcher, Google
- Professor Longbing Cao, PhD UCAS, PhD UTS, Distinguished Chair in AI, Macquarie University
- Kathrine Lo, BEc LLB Macq., LLM, Grad Dip Legal Practice, NSW Public Service Commissioner
- William Mailer, BEc Macq., MSc Behavioural Economics Nott, Chief Behavioural Scientist, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- Mellissa Hardtke, BCompSc MON, MRes Macq., Systems Engineer, Defence Industry
- David Heap, BSc(Psych)(Hons) UNSW, MBA AGSM, Partner, Insight Management Consulting
- Bill Kritharas, BComLLB Macq., Partner, Sparke Helmore Lawyers
- Cynthia Scott, BCom UNSW, MAppFin Macq., Group Chief Executive Officer, Zip Co
- Jacob Shields, BJournLLB QUT, Chief of Staff, ABC
- Cr Jordan Lane MP, BCom(LiberalStudies) MCom, Member of Parliament, Parliament of NSW
- Associate Professor Christopher Gordon, Department of Health Sciences, Macquarie University
- Peter Macbeth, BEd(Sec) Syd., ProfCertInstrLead Melb, Director, Educational Leadership, NSW Department of Education
- Brett Summerall, BScAgr(Hons1) PhD Syd., Chief Scientist and Director Science, Education and Conservation, Botanic Gardens of Sydney
- Katie Rigg-Smith, BAMedCom S.Cross, Chief Strategy Officer, WPP
- Alison Brown, Assistant Auditor-General, Audit Office of New South Wales
- Professor Cliff Hughes AO, BSc MB BS Ad DipMgt FRACS FACS FACCFCSANZ FIACS(Hon) FRACMA(Hon) FAAD IC FISQUA, Professor of Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Australian Institute of Health Innovation
- Dr Shireen Morris, BA Melb., JD PhD MON, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Radical Centre Reform Lab, Macquarie University Law School
- Wayne Byres, BEc(Hons) MAppFin Macq., Retired Chair, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)
- Professor Joseph Pugliese, BA DipEd PhD Macq. PhD Syd., Professor of Cultural Studies
- Dr James Padley, MBBS PhD JCCA BMEdSc (Hons), Senior Lecturer, University of Adelaide
- Greg Mullins AO, AFSM, MMgt Macq., Councillor, Climate Council
- Mr Nicolas Patrick, BALLB Macq., Partner, Head of Pro Bono & Responsible Business, DLA Piper
- Dr Noushin Nasiri, Senior Lecturer in Materials Engineering, School of Engineering
- Dr Phil Lambert PSM, EdD Med BEd, Director of Phil Lambert Consulting
- Mark Fitzgibbon, MBA UTS MA MQ ALCA CSU, FAICD, Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of NIB
- Professor Julie Fitness, Emeritus Professor
- Dr Father Antonios Kaldas, MB BS GradDipPhil MRes PhD Macq.
- Emeritus Professor Pam Peters FAHA DE, BA (Hons) Melb. MA (Hons) Syd.
- Melissa Ryan, Director of Incubation & Entrepreneurship
- Karen Negus, Managing Director, Service Provider Australia and New Zealand, Cisco
- Associate Professor Yvonne Zurynski, PhD, MHPol, BAppSc, MAppSc
- Associate Professor Melissa Norberg, BA MS PhD
- Dr Roger Engel, PhD Macq., Honorary Senior Research Fellow
- James Kozlowski, Principal, Endeavour Sports High School
- Dr Shane Oliver, BA (Hons) PhD, Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP
- Peter Achterstraat AM, NSW Productivity Commissioner, Treasury NSW Government
- Paul Bloxham, Chief Economist (Australia, New Zealand and Global Commodities) and Managing Director, Global Research, HSBC Bank Australia Ltd
- Tim D Castle SC, Senior Counsel and Barrister, 6 St James Hall Chambers
- Monica Wegner, Managing Director and Partner, Boston Consulting Group
- Dr Malcolm Haddon, Associate Director, Community Resilience, Multicultural NSW
- Cr. Jeff Whitton FAICD CDPSE MAISA, Founding Executive Director of Yirigaa
- Ms Jas Chambers, Chair of the Sydney Institute of Marine Science Foundation, Chair and Co-Founder of Ocean Decade Australia
- Ms Annette King, BEc FIAA FAICD, Non-Executive Director, MLC Wealth, Swiss Re, AFG, U Ethical, Galileo Platforms and Actuaries Institute
- Kristie Atkins, BACS FAMI CPM MAICD, Managing Partner, Wink
- Claire Cantrall, Barrister, Waratah Chambers
- Professor Robert Wood, Professor of Behavioural Decision Making
- Mark Anderson AM, M.Ed., B.A., Dip Ed, Director, NSW Dept Education
- Pete Chapman, B.Bus. Technol.Syd., M.Sc. Edin., Director, Ernst & Young
- Chris Patrick, MMgmt Macq., Chief Operating Officer, ANZ, Zip Co
- Annette Bain, BA, MA, BLegS DipEd, GAICD, CEO, Wallumatta Legal
- Jann Pattinson, BA Dip Ed, Principal Coach Mentor, Department of Education
- Dr Aniss G. E. Chami, BMedSci (Hon) MBA MPharm MBBS, CEO, Vitex Pharmaceuticals
- Dr Pia Winberg, PhD, MSc, BSc in Marine systems ecology, Founder, CEO and Chief Scientist, Venus Shell Systems and PhycoHealth
- Katey De Gioia, PhD, Director Engagement and Impact (ECEC), Australian Education Research Organisation
- Dr Alec Morgan, MA PhD Macq., Honorary Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Arts
- James Newman, BA ANU, MAppFin MBA Macq., Managing Director, Hydrecyc Pte Ltd
- Simon Hann, BCom LLB Melb., GradDip AppFin&Inv SIA, Group Executive, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
- Dr Mariam Farida, PhD Macq., Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University
- Steve Schofield, MBA Macq., Group Head of Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Downer Group
- Professor Andrew Baillie, BSc(Hons) MPsych NSW, PhD Macq., Professor of Allied Health, The University of Sydney
- Professor Kristofer Helgen, BA Harv., PhD Adel., Chief Scientist and Director, Australian Museum Research Institute
- Xiaoyin Shang, Head of Strategy and Innovation, National Acoustic Laboratories
- William L. Martens, PhD NU, Senior Research Scientist, National Acoustic Laboratories
- Rachel Slade, BEc(Hons) Macq., Member of the Executive Leadership Team, Group Executive Personal Banking,
National Australia Bank - Adjunct Assocociate Professor Matthew Fisher, BSc(Hons) PhD GradDipDiet DHlthSt (honoris causa), Chief Executive Officer, Australian Society of Anaesthetists
- Zara Mullan, APAC Research & Strategy, Google
- Richard Kimber, Chairman of Stone & Chalk, Chairman of AustCyber and a Non-Executive Director of Daisee
- Jordan Sukkar, BBus Technol.Syd., MBA Macq., General Manager – New Business and Group Services,
Buildcorp Group Pty Ltd - Anna Johnston, BA LLB (Hons I) Macq., GradDipLegPrac Technol.Syd., GradCertMgmt W.Syd., MPP (Hons) Syd.
Principal, Salinger Privacy - Ms Jane Simmons PSM, BMusic BEd MEd Admin NSW, Deputy Director General, ACT Education Directorate
- Anthony Hunt, BEc LLB Syd., GradDipLegalPrac Technol.Syd., MBA Macq., Partner, Hunts’ Group
- Professor Kathryn Millard, MA DCA Technol.Syd, Emeritus Professor of Screen and Creative Arts at Macquarie University
- Bob Easton
- Muheed Jamaldeen, BEc MRes Macq., Director, Deloittee Access Economics
- Christine Legg, B.Ed (EC) Dip.T (ECE), Chief Executive Officer, KU Children's Services
- Kaylene Hubbard, BA LLB Macq., GradDip Commerce NSW, Managing Partner – KPMG Great Western Sydney, KPMG
- Professor Harvey Dillon
- Dr Greg Downey, BA UVA, MA PhD Chic., Professor and Interim Dean of Social Sciences at Macquarie University
- Dr Noushin Nasiri, BE MEng UT, PhD ANU, Head of NanoTech Laboratory at Macquarie University
- Dr. David Carl Hilmers, MS EEE NPS, MD BCM, MPH UTHealth, Professor at Baylor College of Medicine and Research Scientist at NASA
- Lachlan Pike, B AppFin, LLB, EuroBA, M Agr (Eco)
- Professor David Wilkinson, MBBS MSc MD PhD DSc FRACGP FAFPHM, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Engagement
- Professor Emeritus Alberto Avolio, BE PhD FIAMBE FIEEE, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
- Professor Debbie Haski-Leventhal, PhD, Professor, Department of Management
- Professor Patrick McNeil, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Medicine and Health) and Executive Dean
- Ms Jodie Sangster, Chief Customer Officer – Asia Pacific, IBM – Watsom Customer Engagement
- Dr Simon Eassom, BEd(Hons), MA, PhD, Executive General Manager, Education, CPA Australia
- Ms Dawna Wright, BCom (Hons) Manit., Senior Managing Director & Australian, Leader Forensic Accounting and Advisory, FTI Consulting
- Hoa Bui, BEc Macq., Partner-In-Charge, KPMG
- Pauline Vamos, BALLB, FASFA, MAICD, Chairman, Freedom Insurance Group
- Dr Renate Egan, BSc(Hons) PhD, Co-Founder and Chair, Solar Analytics
- Dr David Orsmond, Diploma Kiel Institute, B.Econ (Hons) Syd., PhD Duke, Adjunct Fellow, Faculty of Business and Economics, Macquarie University
- Professor Jennie Hudson, BA(Hons) MClinPsych PhD Macq., FASSA, Director, Centre for Emotional Health
- Mr Graeme Innes AM, LLB Syd., Chair, Attitude Foundation Limited
- Mr Luke Austin, BEc Macq., eMBA UNSW, CA, Deputy CEO, Huawei Technologies Australia
- Mr Andrew Price, BEc (Hons) GradDipAppFin, Managing Partner, Sydney, Ernst & Young
- Professor Emerita Alanna Nobbs AM, BA PhD, Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University
- Professor Stephen Foley, BSc MSc PhD, Australian Laureate Fellow and Professor of Earth Science, Macquarie University
- Dr Karen Lamb, BSc (Hons) PhD, Biostatistician and Senior Research Fellow, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
- Emeritus Professor Angela Brew, BA (Hons), MA, PhD, Chair, Australasian Council for Undergraduate Research
- Professor Roger Chung, PhD, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
- Professor Emeritus Iain McCalman AO, BA Hons, MA, PhD, FAHA, FASSA, FRSN, FRHistS, Professor Emeritus, University of Sydney
- Mr Michael Tooma, BCom LLB (Hons) Macq., Managing Partner - Australia, Clyde & Co
- Dr Teresa Ching, BA MPhil PhD, Head of Rehabilitation Procedures research, National Acoustic Laboratories, Australia
- Elizabeth Crouch AM FAICD, BEc Macq., Emeritus Deputy Chancellor & Chair, Customer Owned Banking Association
- Mr Gamini Martinus, BEc Macq., Partner, EY
- Mr Sam Crosby, BEc Soc Sci (Hons) Syd. MBA UNSW, CEO, The McKell Institute
- Mr Farooq Ghauri, BCS, Managing Director, NETSOL Technologies Australia
- Kathrina Doran, B.Sc. (Pharm). MBA, GAICD, Managing Director, 5D Intelligence
- Ms Clare McLaughlin, BA ANU, General Manager, National Health and Medical Research Council
- Shane Allison, BBA MMgt Macq., CEO, Public Address
- Mr John-Henry D Eversgerd, BA (Cum Laude) Penn MBA U-M, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting
- Adrienne Bloom, MCom UNSW MAppFin Macq., Managing Director, Head of Asia Pacific Financial Institutions Group, Corporate Banking, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
- Jenny Aiken, BAppSc(Phty) GAICD, Vice President, Australian Physiotherapy Association
- Ms Carina Hou, Vice-President, Xiamen Yuanchang Group Co. Ltd
- Mr Clement Lam, Vice President, IDEMIA and President, Alumni Hong Kong Chapter
- Genny May, BSc Syd., Director, Illumina Executive Development
- Mr Boris Bieler, CFA FCPA, Country Head of Audit/Director, Deutsche Bank
- Mr Kevin Cranfield, JP FCA MBA B.Com, Managing Director, Bentleys NSW Pty Ltd, National board member, Bentleys Australia Pty Ltd
- Mr Luke Austin, BEc, CA, eMBA, CFO, Huawei Technologies Australia
- Mr Anthony Gene Passe-de Silva, BEc (Hons) BAppFin Macq., Finance Business Partner, ANZ Institutional Bank
- Gregory A. Jones, PhD. CMA, Associate Professor of Accountancy, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio USA
- Professor Sherman Young, BSc MA PhD, Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, Macquarie University
- Mr Mark Duffy, B.Ec LLB Adel., MA UNSW, Chief Executive, South Australian Department of State Development
- Associate Professor Jon Lawrence, BTech (Opto) Hons, PhD (physics), Head of Technology, Australian Astronomical Observatory
- Professor Darren Bagnall, BEng CPhys. MInstP MIET PhD, Dean, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University
- Dr Rebecca Spindler, BSc (Hons) PhD, Executive Manager, Science & Conservation at Bush Heritage Australia
- Ms Wendy Harmer, Author, Children's writer, TV personality, Radio host, ABS Radio Sydney
- Dr Daniel Ghezelbash, Senior Lecturer in Administrative, Human Rights and Social justice law, Macquarie Law School, Macquarie University
- Brendan Cho, BSc PGCertMgt MMgt MBA Macq., Head of Veracity, Exetel Pty Ltd
- Michael McCarthy, Chief Marketing Strategist, CMC Markets
- Jane Caro, Social Commentator, Lecturer, Writer, Board of Bell Shakespeare, NSW Public Education Foundation, SMH, The Drum
- Professor Philip S Bolton, BSc NE, D.C. Palmer, MClinEpid Newcastle, PhD UNSW, School of Biomedical Sciences & Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medicine, University of Newcastle
- Mr Gavin Fox-Smith, Vice-President, Global Education Solutions, Asia Pacific, Johnson & Johnson
- Mr Shane Britten, B. Biotech (Hons), Adjunct Fellow, Macquarie University, CEO, VA Worldwide
- Ms Leslie Loble, Deputy Secretary, NSW Department of Education
- Professor Michelle Anne Lincoln, B App Sci (Speech Path), PhD., FSPA, PFHEA, Deputy Dean Strategy, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney
- Professor Erik Daniel Reichle, PhD Macq., Head of Department, Psychology, Macquarie University
- Professor Linda Harrison, BSc (Agr) MSc Dip Teach (Early Childhood) MEd PhD, Professorial Research Fellow, Macquarie University
- Mr Phil Hall, BA Hons, Senior Vice President, Language Resources, Appen Ltd
- Mr Mark Scott AO, DipEd, BA, MA, MPA, Secretary, NSW Department of Education
- Dr John Edwards, BA, PhD, Senior Fellow, Lowy Institute
- Mr Alistair Nicholas, BA (Hons) UNSW, CEO, Cornerstone Group Australia
- Professor Dr Peter Siemund, MA Dr. Phil. Habil., Professor of Linguistics, University of Hamburg
- Mr Matthew Jennings, BAppSc (Physiotherapy), Director Allied Health, Liverpool Hospital & Physiotherapy Director, South Western Sydney Local Health District
- Mr Adam Driussi, BEc Macq., FIAA FFIN, CEO, Quantium
- Ms Dawna Wright, BCom (Hons) Manit., Senior Managing Director & Australian Leader Forensic Accounting and Advisory, FTI Consulting
- Mrs Robyn Duggan, BEc Macq., Partner, Ferrier Hodgson
- Mr Rob Locke, BEc Syd., Managing Partner, Forensic & Integrity Services, Ernst & Young
- Mr Luke Austin, BEc Macq., eMBA UNSW, CA, Deputy CEO, Huawei Technologies Australia
- Mr David Li, MMgt Macq., Chief Executive Officer, CACEIS Hong Kong
- Susanne Steigler-Peters, BA (Hons) Dip Ed, Global Education Executive, Telstra Corporation
- Distinguished Professor Lesley Hughes, BSc (Hons) USyd., PhD Macq. Distinguished Professor of Biology and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Integrity & Development)
- Gae Robinson, BSc (Hons) Syd., FIAA, Principal, Finity Consulting
- Napoleon Perdis, BA Macq., Chief Creative Officer & Founder, Napoleon Perdis Cosmetics Pty Limited
- Dr Tony Coleman, BA MBA Hon.D.Bus Macq.
- Dr Susan Green, BA Dip. Ed., MA, PhD, Deputy Principal, Hornsby Girls High School
- Soula-Marie Perdis, BEc Macq., Chief Operating Officer, Napoleon Perdis Cosmetics Pty Limited
- Mr Christopher Still, BEc Syd., Dip Corporate Finance LBS, MBA (Executive) AGSM, Executive Director, TC Corporate Pty Ltd
- Mr Luke Austin, BEc, EMBA, CA, CFO, Huawei Australia (Technologies) Pty Ltd
- Professor Andrew Conway, Professor of Accounting, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Adjunct Professor, Deakin University, CEO, Institute of Public Accountants
- Jane Stanton, BEc Macq., Deputy President, Chartered Accountants, Australia and New Zealand
- Professor Jennie Brand-Miller AM PhD, FAIFST, FNSA, MAICD Professor of Human Nutrition, University of Sydney
- Professor Sandra Hale, BA DipEd., MAppLing PhD Macq., Doctorate Honoris Causa in Community, Interpreting Antwerp, Fellow of AUSIT, FAHA, Professor of Interpreting and Translation, University of New South Wales
- Dr Wayne Warburton, BPsych (Hons) PhD Macq., GAICD, Senior Lecturer, Psychology, Macquarie University
- Mr Andrew Johnson, BA, LLB, MSW, Advocate for Children and Young People, NSW Advocate for Children and Young People (NSW independent statutory entity)
- Mr Peter Sjoquist AM, BA Macq. MSc Boston Uni, Executive Producer, Teachers TV Foundation Ltd
- Ms Carol Taylor, BA DipEd MEd, Director, Carol Taylor Education Consulting, NESA Board Member and former Chief Executive of BOSTES
- Mr Matthew Cunningham, BEcLLB(Hons) Macq. BCL Oxf., Partner, MinterEllison
- Pauline Wright, BA LLB GAICD, President, The Law Society of NSW
- Dr Rose Cantali, BA Macq., DipTeach Aust.Cath., M. Counselling Psychology WSU, PhD Syd., Director and Principal Clinician, Psychmatters
- Ms Sara Caplan, BSc Newcastle, PostGradCertEd New College Durham, CEO, Skills for Australia, PwC
- Mr David McKean, BEc LLB GAICD, Director, Property & Investments, Axicom Pty Ltd
- Mr Peter Jones, BBus Monash, GAICD, CEO, Institute of Internal Auditors – Australia
- Mr Darius Coveney, BCom Flin., MAppFin Macq., Director, Temenos Australia
- Mr Chris Mamarelis, MBA Macq., FCPA, FIPA, GAICD, CEO, The Whiddon Group
- Ms Anna-Louise Bouvier, BAppSc Syd., Director, Happy Body at Work
- Mr Greg Jones, BA MA Macq., Principal, Mona Vale Public School
- Dr Elizabeth Allworth, BA (Hons) ANU, MPsychol (App) UNSW, PhD Macq., FAPS, MCOP, Director, Allworth Juniper Organisational Psychologists
- Professor Kristina Keneally, BA MA Dayton, Adjunct Professor and Director of Gender Inclusion, MGSM, Macquarie University
- Ms Vicki Telfer, BSc GradDipEd NE, MPA MALP Syd., Executive Director, Industrial Relations NSW
- Mr Richard E Schutte, Director, Customer Led Innovation, NAB, Corporate & Institutional Banking
- Professor Fred Watson AM, BSc MSc St And., PhD Edin., Head of Lighting and Environment, Australian Astronomical Observatory
- Professor Richie Howitt, BA(Hons) Dip Ed Newcastle(NSW), PhD UNSW, PGCertEdLead (HE) Macq., Professor of Geography and Director, Macquarie-Ryde Futures Project, Macquarie University
- Mr Jonathan Englert, BA, MS, Founder, Andiron Group
- Dr Angela Wai Yung Ng, Founder & Director, AJ Green & Wellness Consultancy Limited
- Dr Steven Frisken, CEO and Founder, Light Innovating
- Ms Cheryl Koenig, Author
- Professor Joseph Pugliese, Department of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies
- Ms Lynn Donohue, National Australia Bank
- Dr Soumaya Abbassi, PhD Macq.
- Ms Rachel Maria Debck, MMgt MBA Macq.
- Mr James Solomons
- Ms Lyndal York, Cochlear
- Miss Alexandra Rosenberg, BEc Macq.
- Mr Tim Sheey
- Ms Paula Kensington
- Mr Chris Mamarelis
- Dr Rahat Munir
- Chief Judge John Pascoe
- Mr Alex Varley, CEO, Media Access Australia
- Dr Neil Harrison
- Associate Professor Melanie Bishop
- Professor Janet Greeley, BSc(Hons) MUN, MA PhD Tor.
- Professor Mark Wiggins
- Mr Philip Brady, BA DipEd Macq., Associate Director, Government Affairs & Engagement SingTel Optus
- Ms Vicki Waters, MSchM, Bed, DipT., Principal, Pymble Ladies' College
- Emeritus Professor Nicholas Onuf, B.A., M.A. PhD, Department of Politics and International Relations, Florida International University, Miami
- Associate Professor Jacquelyn Cranney, BA, MA, PhD NSW
- Adjunct Professor Philip Ruthven AM, Founder, IBISWorld
- Professor John Simons, BA, Cert. Pal. Wales, PhD Exe., FHEA, FRSA, FZSL, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
- Mr Robert Easton, Bcomm Well, GradDipSocSci (Psychology) Massey, MDEF Deakin, MBA Macq., MAPP Penn, Senior Managing Director, Accenture
- Mr Robert Thomason, BA, MBA, FAHRI, FAIM, GAICD, Executive General Manager, Education, CPA Australia
- Ms Jingmin Qian, Bec, MBA, CFA, Founder and Director, Jing Meridian
- Ms Angelique Parr, BSc, MSc (Hons), Principal Demographer NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure
- Dr John Laker AO, Bec (Hons) Syd., MSc PhD Lond, Hon.D.ScEcon Syd., Chairman, Banking and Finance Oath Ltd
- Mr Chris Mamarelis, MBA, FCPA, FIPA, CEO, The Whiddon Group
- Ms Jane Bridge, BA (Hons) Leeds, GradDipEd, MA Syd., Managing Partner, Boardroom Partners
- Dr Joe Fernandes, Global Investment Solutions Group, Colonial First State Global Asset Management
- Professor S Bruce Dowton, MB BS MD Syd., FACMG FRACP, Vice-Chancellor
- The Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM, Policy Advisor to the Federal Leader of the Opposition, Australian Labor Party
- Professor Katherine Belov, Professor of Comparative Genomics, Associate Dean Research, The University of Sydney
- Ms Anne Baly, Group Manager, International Group, Department of Education
- Mr Dominic Johnson, Group Manager, Environment and Planning, City of Ryde Council
- Ms Sue Klose, Chief Operating Officer, 12WBT
- Mr Tony Crawford, Company Director
- Ms Trudy de Vries, Director, Risk, Insurance and Compliance
- Associate Professor Leigh Wood, Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching
- Ms Kristi Mansfield, Managing Director, Fifth Quadrant
- Mr Mark Sherwood, Private Wealth Services, BT Financial Group
- Mr David Rickards, Managing Director, Social Enterprise Finance Australia Ltd
- Professor Roger Burritt, Professor, Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance
- Mr James Solomons, CA CTA MAICD, Director, Aptus Accounting & Advisory, Head of Accounting, Australia, Xero
- Ms Jane Simmons, Executive Director, Learning and Leadership, NSW Department of Education and Communities
- Dr Murray Cook AM, Hon.D.Litt Macq., Musician and Founding Member of The Wiggles
- Ms Lauren Burns OAM, Australian Taekwondo Practitioner and Olympic Champion
- Mr Dom English, Group Manager, Research and Economic Group, Australian Government Department of Education and Training
- Associate Professor Andrew Baillie, Department of Psychology
- Dr Kate Wilson, Executive Director of Science, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
- Professor Natalie Klein, Dean, Macquarie Law School
- Ms Robin de Crespigney, Author
- Ms Linda Jaivin, Author
- Professor Greg Leigh AO, Director, RIDBC Renwick Centre and Conjoint, Professor of Education, University of Newcastle
- Dr Paul Cleary, Author & Research Scholar, Australian National University
- Ms Pip Marlow, Managing Director, Microsoft Australia
- Mr Michael Robotham, Investigative Journalist
- Mr David Hunt, Author and Historian
- Mr Bill Hovey, Chief Executive Officer, The Linchpin Group Australia
- Professor Pamela W. Duncan, Adjunct Professor of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Mr Tony Nash, Chief Executive Officer, Booktopia
- Professor Chris Turney, Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow and Professor of Climate Change and Earth Sciences, University of New South Wales
- Professor John S Croucher, Professor in Management, Macquarie Graduate School of Management
- Adjunct Professor Robert Miller AM, Marketing Lecturer, Macquarie University
- Mr Karl Lijun Qin, Executive Director of TDES Group
- Professor Jim Lee, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International), Macquarie University
- Mr David Bull, BCS International (CEO)
- Dr Duncan Veal, Manager Processor R&D and Commercialisation, Meat and Livestock Australia
- Mr Tim Beresford, Executive Director, Australian Operations, Australian Trade Commission
- Professor Catharine Lumby, Professor of Media, Macquarie University
- Mr Richard Kimber, Chief Operating Officer & Group General Manager - Global Markets & Loans, ANZ Bank
- Dr John Sweaney
- Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM, Secretary of the Department of the Environment
- Professor S. Bruce Dowton, Vice-Chancellor, Macquarie University
- Mr Michael Adams, Consultant
- Associate Professor Timothy Hannan, President, Australian Psychological Society, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Charles Sturt University
- Dr Paul Schreier, Chief Operating Officer, Macquarie University
- Associate Professor Orsola De Marco, ARC Future Fellow
- Mr Gavin Fox-Smith, CEO, Johnson & Johnson Medical Pty Ltd
- Mr Phil Cameron, Director, Business Partner Organisation, IBM Australia & New Zealand
- Professor John Paul Seale AM, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Sydney
- Mr Peter Overton, Chief News Reader, Nine News Sydney and Contributor, Nine Network Australia
- Dr Marlene Kanga AM, Director, iOmniscient Pty Ltd
- Dr Caroline Hong, BDS Adel., GDHA S.Aust., MHA NSW, FSAE FADI AFCHSM FAICD
- Ms Angela Lovegrove, Regional General Manager, Telstra
- Dr Andreas Oberecker
- Mr David Li, CEO and Managing Director, CACEIS Hong Kong
- Ms Cecilia Fan, Director and Managing Consultant, Beijing Consulting Group
- Ms Carol Fox, Trainer, Performance Coach, Speaker and Author
- Ms Vivian M Yang, Co-founder and Brand Strategist, Business Propulsion
- Mr Ruixiang Han, General Manager, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Sydney Branch
- Dr Adi Paterson, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
- Mr Iggy Pintado, Marketing Director, Business Catalyst, Connector
- Mr John Gilbert Alexander OA, Member of Parliament
- Professor Barry J Cooper, President, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
- Mr Paul Newland, Director, Arbor Partners
- Ms Melinda Howes, Chief Executive Officer, The Institute of Actuaries of Australia
- Dr Peter Bull, Chiropractor and Honorary Associate, Department of Chiropractic
- Professor Gail Whiteford, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Social Inclusion)
- Mr Mike Carlton, Author and Columnist, The Sydney Morning Herald
- Professor Dominic Brock Rowe AM, Professor of Neurology, The Australian School of Advanced Medicine
- Professor Beryl Hesketh, Emeritus Professor of UWS and Adjunct Professor, Dep't Psychology at Macquarie University
- Mr James Alan Longley, Chief Executive, Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Department of Family and Community Services
- The Hon Victor Dominello MP, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Minister for Citizenship and Communities
- The Hon Professor Andrew Rogers QC, Chairman, Endispute
- Ms Emma-Jane Newton, Director, Credit Suisse
- Mr Frank Zipfinger, Chairman, Aspen
- Mr Stuart Black AM, Chartered Accountant and Non-Executive Director
- Dr Greg Taylor AO, Actuary, Taylor Fry Consulting Actuaries
- Mr Daryl Quinlivan, Head of Office, Productivity Commission
- Mr JC Liu, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Richfields Capital Limited
- Professor S. Bruce Dowton, Vice-Chancellor and President, Macquarie University
- Mr Peter O'Byrne, Company Director and Chief Executive
- Professor John Croucher, Professor in Management
- Mr Greg Hammond, Senior Partner, Mallesons Stephen Jaques
- Mr John Pearce, Chief Investment Officer, UniSuper Management Pty Ltd
- Ms Meredith J Brooks, Chairperson and Financial Services Advisor
- Dr Simon Longstaff, Executive Director, St James Ethics Centre
- Ms Helen Conway, Director, Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA)
- Ms Julie Hare, Higher Education Editor, The Australian
- Associate Professor Karen L Martin, Associate Professor in Early Childhood, Southern Cross University
- Mr James Strong AO, Chairman, Woolworths Limited
- Dr Bronwyn Evans, BE (Elec), PhD W'gong., FIEAust, GAICD, Senior Vice President, Quality, Clinical and Regulation, Cochlear Limited
- Ms Carol Bryant, BSc NSW, GDipEd UNE, Chief Executive Officer, Macquarie University Hospital
- Ms Shane Gould MBE
- Mr Lloyd Rothwell, General Manager, McKeon's Swim School
- Mr Joshua Stinton, Events Director, 6.2
- Dr Ian Oppermann, Director, CSIRO ICT Centre
- Professor P M (Phil) Dolan, Head, Department of Applied Finance & Actuarial Studies
- Mr Peter O'Byrne, Company Director and Chief Executive
- Dr Denise Fleming, Managing Director, The Foresight Management Group
- Mr Keith Reilly, National Head of Professional Standards, Grant Thornton
- Mr Geoffrey V. Kells, AM, Director, Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation and Non-Executive Director, Opportunity International
- Dr Tony Coleman, Director, Lonergan Edwards & Associates Limited
- Mr Tony Cole AO, Senior Partner, Mercer (Australia)
- Dr Paul Brock AM, Director, Learning and Development Research, NSW Department of Education and Training; Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney
- Dr Rolf E Peters, Editor, Chiropractic Journal of Australia
- Professor Diane Speed, Dean & Chief Executive Officer, Sydney College of Divinity
- Mr Stuart Clark, Chief Operating Officer, Managing Partner - International Clayton Utz
- Mr Lee White, Executive General Manager-Members, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
- Dr Imre Salusinszky, NSW political reporter, The Australian
- Professor Kevin Wheldall AM, Professor & Director of MULTILIT Research Unit
- The Hon John Joseph Aquilina MP, Former Leader of the House, New South Wales Legislative Assembly
- Professor Keith Kennett, Co-founder, Action Intelligence (AQ©)
- Associate Professor Kevin W J McCracken, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Environment & Geography
- Dr Ian Kiernan AO, Chairman, Clean Up Australia
- Mr Michael R McGlynn, Senior Director, Global Planning & Fulfillment, Asia Pacific, Greater China, and Japan, Customer Value Chain Management, Cisco Systems, Inc.
- Dr Robyn Williams AM, Science Journalist and Broadcaster, ABC
- Ms Ondine Sherman, Managing Director and Co-founder, Voiceless, the animal protection institute
- Ms Bronwyn Pott, Chief Executive Officer, Swaab Attorneys
- Dr Roderic Kefford AM, Headmaster, Barker College
- Ms Lindley Edwards, Group CEO, AFG Venture Group
- Mr Chum Darvall, Non-Executive Vice-Chairman, Deutsche Bank
- Mr Alex Malley, Chief Executive Officer, CPA Australia
- Mr Christopher McRostie, CEO & Company Secretary, Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia
- Mr Tim Murphy, Co-Head of Fund Research, Morningstar
- The Honourable Alan Leong Kah-Kit SC, Member of the Legislative Council and Leader of the Civic Party
- Mr Li Xiao Tao, Vice-President, Golden Sun Securities Co., Ltd.
- Dr Louise Ryan, Chief, CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics
- Dr Andrew Bisset, Head of Risk and Reporting, Qantas Airways
- Emeritus Professor Chris Bellenger, Master, Robert Menzies College
- The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for Housing and the Status of Women
- Mr Paul O'Sullivan, Chief Executive, Optus
- Dr Robert Henry Frater AO, Vice President for Innovation, ResMed Limited Associate
- Professor Philip S Bolton, Deputy Head, School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, University of Newcastle
- Mr Bart Vogel, Partner, Bain Company
- Mr Peter Switzer, Founding Director, Switzer Group
- Mr John Bowers, Former Head, Barclay Global Investors in Australia
- Mr Fred Rowley, Head of Finance Strategy, ING Australia and principal, PFS Consulting
- Dr Sue Saltmarsh, Associate Professor of Educational Studies, Australian Catholic University
- Mr John Brogden, Chief Executive Officer, Investment & Financial Services Association and Patron of Lifeline NSW
- Professor David A Briscoe, Professor of Biology
- Professor N J (Narren) Chitty AM, Professor in International Communication, Centre for International Communications
- Ms Caroline M Trotman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development & External Relations)
- Mr Bill Castellas, Head of Private Banking, Commonwealth Private, Singapore
- Mr John Connor, CEO, The Climate Institute
- The Honourable Justice James Allsop, President, New South Wales Court of Appeal
- Professor George H Cooney AM, Honorary Associate, Department of Education
- Dr Norman Swan, Producer and Presenter, The Health Report
- Ms Elizabeth Crouch, Company Director and Consultant
- Dr John Laker AO, Chairman, APRA Mr Giam Sweigers, Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte, Australia
- Mr Jack Percy, Managing Director, Accenture Australia
- Ms Elizabeth Bryan, Chairman, Caltex Australia & Chairman, Unisuper Limited
- Dr Fung Ping Chuen Philip, Director, Houston Leadership Training Center, Hong Kong
- Ms Yvette Ip Tse Wai, Senior Industry Expert, Longtop Group
- Mr Richard Aedy, Presenter of Life Matters, ABC Radio National
- Dr Frank R Ashe, Associate Professor, Applied Finance Centre
- Professor David A Briscoe, Professor of Biology
- Professor N J (Narren) Chitty AM, Professor in International Communication, Centre for International Communications
- The Wiggles
- Emeritus Professor E M (Ed) Davis AM, Emeritus Professor of Macquarie University and Director, Edward M Davis and Associates
- Emeritus Professor Peter Drake AM, Emeritus Professor of Economics
- Mr Nick Farr-Jones AM, Director of Taurus Funds Management
- The Honourable Verity Helen Firth MP, Minister for Education and Training and Minister for Women
- The Honourable Patricia Forsythe, Member of Council, Macquarie University and Executive Director, Sydney Chamber of Commerce
- Professor Mark Gabbott, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics
- Ms Belinda Gibson, ASIC Commissioner
- Mr Laurie Glanfield AM, Director General, Attorney General's Department NSW
- Associate Professor Marnie T E Hughes-Warrington, Associate Dean Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Arts
- Mr Jeff Jarratt, Director of Executive Central Group Pty Ltd
- Mr Toby Lawson, Head of Financial Futures and Options and FX, Asia Pacific Newedge Broker Limited
- Mr Ping Luo, Director General, Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission
- Mr Bruce Meagher, Director of Strategy and Communications, SBS
- Mr Robert Miller, Adjunct, Faculty of Business and Economics
- Mr John Pierce, Secretary, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
- Professor J A (Jim) Piper, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
- The Honourable Brian J Preston, SC, Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court of NSW
- Dr Chris Roberts, Chief Executive Officer of Cochlear Ltd
- Zali Steggall OAM, Barrister and Four Time Winter Olympian (1992-2002)
- Ms Caroline M Trotman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development & External Relations)
- Mr Charles Waterstreet, S.C. Barrister, Forbes Chambers
- Mr Beckmann Wolfgang, Global Head of Loan Management, ANZ Singapore
- Associate Professor David G Butt, Director of the Centre for Language in Social Life
- Mr Frank J Conroy, Former Chairman, St George Bank Limited
- Professor George H Cooney AM, School of Education,
- Professor Rosalind Croucher, Former Dean of Law,
- Professor John Croucher, Professor of Management, Graduate School of Management
- Ms Helen Dalley
- Professor Philip Dolan, Professor and Director, Applied Finance Centre
- Ms Maggie Drummond, Director of Development, Australian School of Advanced Medicine
- Professor Mark Gabbott, Executive Dean, Division of Economic & Financial Studies
- Ms Vicki Hart, Managing Director, Milan Partners
- Professor Ann Henderson-Sellars, ARC Professorial Fellow, Department of Physical Geography
- Mr William V (Bill) Howes, Corporate Legal Counsel, Franchise Entertainment Group
- Ms Judy Hurditch, Director, Intermedium
- Mr Byram Johnston OAM, CEO, Mainstream BPO
- Mr Thomas Keneally AO, Author
- Dr Ian Kiernan AO OAM, Chairman, Clean Up Australia
- Mr Toby Lawson, Managing Director and General Manager, Fimat SNC trading as Fimat Australia
- Mr Joseph W F Leung, Director of Corporate Services, AsiaPay (HK) Ltd
- Mr Gregory J Lindsay AO, Executive Director, The Centre for Independent Studies
- Ms Maxine McKew MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Prime Minister and Cabinet Member for Bennelong
- Professor Bob Miller, Adjunct Professor, Department of Business
- Mr John R Nicholls, Chairman, Harvey Industries Group Pty Limited
- Dr Margo Orum, MAPS
- Associate Professor Joseph Pugliese, Department of Critical & Cultural Studies
- Miss Xia Shao, General Manager, Personal Banking Department, Huaxia Bank
- Ms Wendy Simpson, Chair, Westray Engineering
- Professor C D (David) Throsby, Professor of Economics
- Ms Caroline Trotman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development & External Relations)
- Ms Penelope Watson, Senior Lecturer, Division of Law,
- Mr Bruce C Wolpe, Director Corporate Affairs, Fairfax Media Limited
- Mr Mark Thomas Wood, Acting Snr Trade Commissioner and Commercial Consul, Australian Trade Commission, Hong Kong
- Mr Bruce Wren, CEO, Netcat
- The Honourable Professor Peter Anderson AM, Director, Centre for Policing, Intelligence & Counter-Terrorism
- Ms Deidre Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, U@MQ Limited
- Mr Alan Bai, Principal, China Renaissance Capital Investment
- Mr Alec Bashinsky, National Partner, People & Performance, Deloitte Australia
- Mr Richard Philip Broinowski, Adjunct Professor, Department of Media, University of Sydney
- Dr Anthony (Tony) Capon, Adjunct Professor, Department of Health & Chiropractic,
- Dr Judith Cashmore, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney
- Mr Clement Chan, Director, Horwath CPA Limited
- Associate Professor Paul Cohen, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology
- Rev Bill Crews AM, The Exodus Foundation and Ashfield Parish Mission
- Mr Peter Ferris, General Manager, Technology & Planning, Optus Networks
- Professor Tim Flannery, Division of Environmental & Life Sciences
- Professor Ian W Gibson, The Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, Chair in Education, Teachers for the Future, Australian Centre for Educational Studies
- Professor Roy Green, Dean, Graduate School of Management
- Dr Jenny Lee Harry, Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Proteome Systems Limited
- Dr John Jarratt, Head, Enterprise Risk Analytics, Westpac Banking Corporation & Adjunct Professor, Applied Finance Centre
- Associate Professor James (Jim) L Kohen, Department of Biological Sciences,
- Dr Attracta Lagan, Principal, Managing Values
- Professor John H Lechte, Higher Degree Convenor, Department of Sociology
- Associate Professor N J (Nick) Mansfield, Head, Department of Critical & Cultural Studies
- The Hon Justice Keith Mason AC QC, President, NSW Court of Appeal
- Dr Colleen McCullough, AO, Author
- Associate Professor William (Bill) McGaw, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International)
- Mr Peter McGraw, Director, Labour-Management Studies Foundation, Department of Business
- Mr Peter James McManus, Citigroup Wealth Advisors
- Emeritus Professor Philip Newall, Professorial Fellow Department of Linguistics
- Associate Professor Ronald Ripple, Head, Department of Economics
- Mr Robert J (Bob) Sendt, Auditor-General New South Wales 1999-2006
- The Honourable Helen Sham Ho
- Associate Professor John Shepherd, AIAA Department of Actuarial Studies
- Mr Peter Sjoquist AM, Founder, Sydney Rock Eisteddfod
- Mr Tim J Sprague, Director, Human Resources
- Professor William Thompson, Department of Psychology
- Associate Professor Leonie Tickle, Head, Department of Actuarial Studies
- Dr Alan Vaughan, Executive Officer, Macquarie University Foundation for Astronomy
- Mr T K Yap, Executive Director, OCBC Securities
- The Honourable Professor Peter Thomas Anderson AM, Director, Centre for Policing, Intelligence & Counter-Terrorism, Macquarie University
- Dr Robert Scott (Bob) Anderssen, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
- Emeritus Professor Christopher Bellenger, Master, Robert Menzies College
- Ms Vivian Chang, Partner, Corporate and International Tax Division, Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu
- The Honourable John Robert Arthur Dowd AO QC
- Ms Ursula Dubosarsky, Author
- Professor Gregory Elliot, Professor of Business (Marketing), Associate Dean (International)
- Dr E Ann Eyland
- Professor Neil L Fargher, CPA Professor of Accounting
- Professor Jane Hall, Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation UTS
- Mr Ian Harrison SC President, NSW Bar Council
- Professor John G Hedberg, Professor and Director, Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre
- Dr John Daniel Hooley, Hong Kong Surgical Specialists
- Professor John Hooper, Dean, Higher Degree Research
- Mr Peter Charles Joseph OAM, Investment Banker
- Professor Bruce Kercher, Professor of Law, Vice-President of Academic Senate
- Mr Chaly Mah Chee Kheong, Chief Executive Officer Deloitte and Touche Singapore
- Mr Toby Lawson, Managing Director and General Manager, Fimat SNC trading as Fimat Australia & ABC Rugby Union Television Presenter
- Ms Catherine Livingstone, Chairman, CSIRO Board
- Ms Julie McCrossin, Public speaker, radio broadcaster, journalist, television personality
- Mr Kevin McLintock, PMD Harv Chief Executive Officer McWilliam's Wines 1993-2005 Executive Council, Winemakers' Federation of Australia
- Mr John Pegg, Principal, Pegg & Associates, Chartered Accountants
- Mr John Pinnock, Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
- Rev Father Chris Riley AM
- Mr Hugh Riminton, Anchor/Correspondent, CNN International Hong Kong
- Professor Steven Schwartz, Vice-Chancellor, Macquarie University
- Ms Jenny Wallis, Director, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office
- Professor Angela Woollacott, Professor of Modern History, Head Modern History
- Mr David Ang, Executive Director, Singapore Human Resources Institute
- Dr Alison Broinowski, Writer, Speaker and Consultant on Asian Affairs
- Professor Anne Burns, Centre for Policing Counter-Terrorism
- Dr Mark Butler, Head Science Department, Gosford High School
- Mr Joe Catanzariti, Partner, Clayton Utz
- Ms Julie Chater, Deputy Consul-General, Australian Consulate-General, Hong Kong
- Dr Giselle Cooke, General Practitioner and Health Educator
- Professor Stephen Crain, Federation Fellow, Macquarie University
- Ms Margaret Cunneen, Deputy Senior Crown Prosecutor
- Professor Edward Davis, Dean, Division of Economic & Financial Studies
- Associate Professor Judith Dickson, Dean of Students
- Emeritus Professor Harry Edwards AM, Foundation Head of School EFS
- Mr Bruce C Hartnett, CSM Chair, Victorian Government Purchasing Board
- Associate Professor Richie Howitt, Division of Environmental and Life Sciences
- Dr Malcolm Irving AM, Deputy Chancellor
- Professor Mark Israel, Professor of Law and Criminology, Associate Dean (Research) School of Law, Flinders University
- Mr Malcolm Long, Director Australian Film and Television School
- Professor Stephen J Marshall, Centre for Professional Development
- His Excellency Mr Piergiorgio Mazzocchi, Ambassador of the European Commission to Australia and NZ
- Professor Elizabeth More, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Admin)
- Dr Charles New, Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon, Nepean Hospital
- Dr Michael Panaccio, Founder Starfish Ventures
- Associate Professor Peter Petocz, Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning, Division of Economic and Financial Studies
- Emeritus Professor John Pollard, Former Head of School of Division of Economic and Financial Studies
- Emeritus Professor Jill Roe, Department of Modern History
- Mr Peter Sansom, CEO Cross City Motorway Pty Ltd
- Mr John A Shepherd, Senior Lecturer in Actuarial Studies
- Mr Rhys B Withers, Managing Director Munich Holdings of Australasia Pty Ltd
- Dr Ken Baldwin, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director ARC Centre for Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics Australian National University
- Emeritus Professor Cliff Blake, Vice-Chancellor, University of Adelaide 2001-2002, Vice-Chancellor, Charles Sturt 1990-2001
- Dr Tony Bryant, Head of Department, Division of Economics and Financial Studies
- Mrs Kerry Chikarovski, Director Infrastructure and Planning NSW Pty Ltd
- Mr Michael Crosby, Director, Trade Union Training Authority
- Professor Peter Curson, Administrator Department of Health and Chiropractic
- Dr Tim Flannery, Director, South Australian Museum
- Dr Cathy Foley, Senior Principal Research Scientist Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics CSIRO
- Professor W P R (Bill) Gibson, Professor of Otolaryngology, University of Sydney and Director Sydney Cochlear Implant Centre
- Ms Tonia Godhard, Chair, Macquarie University Institute of Early Childhood Advisory Board
- Emeritus Professor Keith Goesch, Foundation Head School of Modern Languages, Emeritus Professor of French, Macquarie University
- Dr Anita Heiss, Indigenous Writer in Residence Division of Society, Culture, Media and Philosophy
- Dr Ken Henry, Secretary to the Treasury
- Mr Jeff Jarratt, Partner, The Stephenson Partnership
- Associate Professor Joan Kirkby, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Critical and Cultural Studies
- Dr John Laker, Chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
- Dr Alan Laughlin, Deputy Director-General (Teaching and Learning) NSW Department of Education and Training
- His Honour Dr John Lincoln, Emeritus Deputy Chancellor
- Mr James Lu, Executive Director, Hong Kong Hotels Association
- Mr Tony Maher, General President CFMEU
- Mr Donald McDonald, Chairman Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- The Honourable Justice Mr P McInerney, Waterfall Inquiry Commissioner & Former Judge of the Supreme Court of NSW
- Mr Jeff McMullen, Journalist and Director, Ian Thorpe's Foundation for Youth Trust
- Mr Silvestro Morabito, Chief Executive Officer, Supermarkets, Cold Storage Group
- Mr Kel Richardson, Author, Journalist and Broadcaster
- Emeritus Professor Deryck Schreuder, Vice-Chancellor University of Western Australia 1998-2003, Immediate Past President, Australian VC Committee
- Mr Max Schroder, Executive Director and Principal SIBT
- Ms Caroline M Trotman-Wren, Marketing Director Asia Pacific Accenture
- Dr Marina Warner, Novelist, Critical and Cultural Historian
- Professor Graham Wood, Head, Department of Statistics
- Dr Nicolas S Y Yeung, Convener and Founding Director, Construction Industry Institute - Hong Kong
- Dr Ken Baldwin, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director ARC Centre for Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics Australian National University
- Emeritus Professor Cliff Blake, Vice-Chancellor, University of Adelaide 2001-2002, Vice-Chancellor, Charles Sturt 1990-2001
- Dr Tony Bryant, Head of Department, Division of Economics and Financial Studies
- Mrs Kerry Chikarovski, Director Infrastructure and Planning NSW Pty Ltd
- Mr Michael Crosby, Director, Trade Union Training Authority
- Professor Peter Curson, Administrator Department of Health and Chiropractic
- Dr Tim Flannery, Director, South Australian Museum
- Dr Cathy Foley, Senior Principal Research Scientist Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics CSIRO
- Professor W P R (Bill) Gibson, Professor of Otolaryngology, University of Sydney and Director Sydney Cochlear Implant Centre
- Ms Tonia Godhard, Chair, Macquarie University Institute of Early Childhood Advisory Board
- Emeritus Professor Keith Goesch, Foundation Head School of Modern Languages, Emeritus Professor of French, Macquarie University
- Dr Anita Heiss, Indigenous Writer in Residence Division of Society, Culture, Media and Philosophy
- Dr Ken Henry, Secretary to the Treasury
- Mr Jeff Jarratt, Partner, The Stephenson Partnership
- Associate Professor Joan Kirkby, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Critical and Cultural Studies
- Dr John Laker, Chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
- Dr Alan Laughlin, Deputy Director-General (Teaching and Learning) NSW Department of Education and Training
- His Honour Dr John Lincoln, Emeritus Deputy Chancellor
- Mr James Lu, Executive Director, Hong Kong Hotels Association
- Mr Tony Maher, General President CFMEU
- Mr Donald McDonald, Chairman Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- The Honourable Justice Mr P McInerney, Waterfall Inquiry Commissioner & Former Judge of the Supreme Court of NSW
- Mr Jeff McMullen, Journalist and Director, Ian Thorpe's Foundation for Youth Trust
- Mr Silvestro Morabito, Chief Executive Officer, Supermarkets, Cold Storage Group
- Mr Kel Richardson, Author, Journalist and Broadcaster
- Emeritus Professor Deryck Schreuder, Vice-Chancellor University of Western Australia 1998-2003, Immediate Past President, Australian VC Committee
- Mr Max Schroder, Executive Director and Principal SIBT
- Ms Caroline M Trotman-Wren, Marketing Director Asia Pacific Accenture
- Dr Marina Warner, Novelist, Critical and Cultural Historian
- Professor Graham Wood, Head, Department of Statistics
- Dr Nicolas S Y Yeung, Convener and Founding Director, Construction Industry Institute - Hong Kong
- Mr Sarosh Batliwalla, Executive, Project and Infrastructure Finance, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- The Honourable Justice P A Bergin, Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
- Mr David Blair, Senior Research Fellow, Macquarie University
- Ms Gillian Calvert, NSW Commissioner for Children and Young People
- Professor David Collins, Adjunct Professor in Economics
- Professor Max Coltheart, Federation Fellow, Macquarie University
- Mr Roger Corbert, CEO and Group MD Woolworths Limited
- Mr Daryl Courtney - O'Connor, Founder and Executive Chairman Tourist Corporation and ICTHM
- Mr Gary Cowan, Deputy Consul-General, Australian Consulate-General, Shanghai
- Professor Ed Davis, Head, Division of Economic and Financial Studies
- Mr Robert Easton, Managing Partner, Asia Pacific, Accenture Limited
- Mr Michael Johnston, Management Consultant
- Mr Chi Keung Ricky Liu, Vice-Chairman & Chief Executive, Hip Hop Holdings
- Mr Alex Malley, NSW President, CPA Australia and Associate Dean, Teaching and Alliances, Division of Economic and Financial Studies
- Mr R C (Bob) Mansfield, Chairman, Telstra
- Professor John McCallum, Dean College of Social and Health Services, University of Western Sydney
- Dr Frank McGrath, Former Chief Justice of the Compensation Court of NSW
- Ms Melanie O'Connor, Managing Director, Strategic Human Resource Solutions Pty Ltd
- Professor J A Piper, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
- Ms Marlyn Robertson, Director TransGrid and former Managing Director Dow Corning Australia
- Ms Di Robinson, CEO, University Co-op Bookshop Limited
- Mr Graeme Samuel, President, National Competition Council
- Mr Glenn R Stevens, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia
- Professor Fred Watson, Astronomer in charge, Anglo-Australian Observatory
- Professor Lowitja O'Donoghue Yunggorendi, First Nations Centre for Higher Education and Research Flinders University
- Professor Percy Allan AM
- Dr D C K Allen AO, Chairman, National Australia Bank
- Mr Geoffrey Berry, The Berry Group
- Mr N R Cowdery QC
- Professor John S Croucher, Professional Fellow, Division of Economics and Financial Studies
- Dr J Mark Dangerfield, CEO Biotrack Australia Pty Ltd Honorary Associate Key Centre for Biodiversity and Bioresources
- Professor Peter J Drake
- Mr Ian Hammond, Senior Partner Price Waterhouse Coopers
- Dr Peter D Jones
- Emeritus Professor E A Judge AM
- Emeritus Professor Brian Low
- Emeritus Professor John Loxton, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Ac)
- Dr Stuart Piggin, Master Robert Menzies College
- Mr John K Pilbeam, Deputy Consul General, Australian Consulate General, Hong Kong
- Dr Ian Pollard
- Professor David Rich, Director, Centre for Flexible Learning
- Mr Mike Rowse, Director-General of Investment Promotion, InvestHK
- Emeritus Professor R H T Smith AM
- Mr Tan Boon Teik, Executive Chairman, Credit Agricole Lazard Financial Products
- His Excellency Mr Joe Thwaites, Australian Ambassador to Vietnam
- Mr Richard G Braddock, Executive Director, Asia-Pacific Research Institute
- Dr Jeffrey Carmichael AO, Chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
- Mr Vincent H C Cheng, Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive, Hang Seng Bank
- Dr Raymond Debus, Chair, Institute of Early Childhood Advisory Board
- Mr Philip Forrest, President, Singapore Australia Business Council
- Mr Paul G Goodwin, General Manager, Macquarie University Union Limited
- Mrs Kathryn Greiner, Board Member, MGSM Pty Limited, Councillor, City of Sydney Council
- Professor Ruth Hayhoe, Honorary Fellow, University of London Institute of Education & Director, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
- Ms Lindy Hyam, Chief Executive, IDP Education Australia
- Mr Stepan Kerkyasharian AM, Chairperson, Community Relations Commission
- Ms Catherine B Livingstone, Director, Telstra Corporation
- Mr Ian J Macfarlane, Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
- Ms Elizabeth Ann Macgregor, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art
- Emeritus Professor Carrick A Martin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration)
- Professor Raoul Mortley, Vice-Chancellor, Newcastle and Bond University
- Professor David J Skellern, Professor of Electronics, Macquarie University, Co-Founder of Radiata
- Mr Ron Switzer, New South Wales Director of CPA Australia
- Professor Colin L Yallop, Editor-in-Chief of the Macquarie Dictionary
- Professor C A (Tony) Adams, Director, International Programs
- Professor Christopher N Candlin, Adjunct Professor in Linguistics
- Professor P Bernard Carey, Deputy Vice-Chancellor & University of Western Sydney Hawkesbury President
- Professor Edward M Davis, Professor of Management
- Mr Othman Haron Eusofe, Minister of State, Ministry of Manpower, Republic of Singapore
- Professor Jocelynne P Horne, Professor of Economics, Macquarie University
- Mr Kwok-Chuen Ng, Assistant Director of Education, Education Department, Hong Kong SAR
- Mr Mark R Rayner, Chairman, National Australia Bank Limited
- Professor Barrie Reynolds, Adjunct Professor, Macquarie University
- Ms Philippa Smith, Chief Executive, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia
- Mr Jeff Angel
- Ms Elsa Atkin
- Mr Alexander S K Au
- Dr Robert William Bellear
- Dr Adrienne Bennett
- Professor Peter Bergquist
- Mr Tan Keng Boon
- Ms Anna Booth
- Dr Deborah Brennan
- Ms Roslin Brennan
- Ms Jillian Broadbent
- Ms Susan Brooks
- Justice Vince Bruce QC
- Professor John Burton
- Dr Keith Douglas Cairncross
- Mr Alan J Cameron AM
- Sir John Leslie Carrick KCMG
- Mr Ronald Carstairs
- Professor Bettina Cass AO
- Mr Ng Kee Choe
- Mr Charles Chong
- His Eminence Cardinal Edward Clancy
- Professor John E Clark, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), Macquarie University
- Professor John Kieran Collins AM
- Emeritus Professor John K Collins AM
- Ms Lyndsay Connors
- Mr Rawdon Dalrymple AO
- Mr Brian Davis
- Emeritus Professor Arthur Delbridge AO
- Mr E Ian Dickson
- The Honourable Justice Marcus Einfield QC
- Emeritus Professor F Gale AO
- Mr Charles B Goode
- The Honourable Nicholas Greiner AC
- Dr Desmond John Griffin
- Dr Frank S Hambly AM
- Professor Annette Hamilton
- Dr Glenice Hancock
- Mr A C (Tony) Harris
- Professor Beryl Hesketh
- Emeritus Professor Jan B. Hext
- Dr Susan Holland
- Ms Sue M Holliday
- Mr D A (Sandy) Hollway
- Dr G I Izmir
- Dr Robert Alan Johnston AC
- Professor Edwin A Judge
- Mrs Gabrielle Kibble
- Professor Ronald C King
- The Honourable Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG
- James Fredrick Kropp
- Alderman Michael Lardelli AM
- Emeritus Professor R Barry Leal
- Professor Alan Lindsay
- Professor John H Loxton
- Emeritus Professor Carrick A Martin
- Ms Deirdre Mason
- Dr Chloe Mason
- Ms Ruth McColl
- Professor Donald McNeil
- Mr Max W Moore-Wilton
- Mr Maurice Newman AM
- Lew Syn Pau
- Ms Valerie Pratt AM
- Dr Gregory Ramsey
- The Honourable Graham F Richardson
- Professor Merle Calvin Ricklefs
- Professor John Cameron Rodger
- Professor R W Roye Rutland
- Mr Peter Ryan
- Mrs Elizabeth Samuels
- Dr Ronald Lindsay Sandland
- Professor Deryck Marshall Schreuder
- Dr Brian Walter Scott AO
- Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam
- Mr Michael Sharpe AM
- Mr Andrew L T Sheng, SBS
- Mr Gordon Siu JP
- Emeritus Professor Gordon Stanley
- Professor Trevor L Tansley
- Mr Bruce Teele
- Emeritus Professor Bruce G Thom
- His Honour Mr Barrie Ronald Thorley AM
- Dr Kenneth Wilberforce Tribe AC
- Dr John Vaughan
- Sir William Joshua Vines AC CMG, AASA
- Professor Malcolm R Walter
- Emeritus Professor Ian Kellie Waterhouse, Hon.D.Sc Macq.
- Emeritus Professor Di Yerbury AM
- Emeritus Professor K J C Back, Executive Director, IDP
- Ms A Deveson, Director, AFR & TV School
- Professor Anne Henderson-Sellars, Professor of Physical Geography
- Mr J Kirk, Chairman, Australian Bicentennial Authority
- Emeritus Professor R B Leal, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Macquarie University
- Dr Jill Maling, Principal, Nepean CAE
- Emeritus Professor B E Mansfield, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Macquarie University
- Ms Wendy McCarthy, Deputy Chair, ABC
- Dr Rhonda McIver, Chairperson, MWSDB
- Miss Deirdre O'Connor, Chairman, Australian Broadcasting Tribunal
- Ms P O'Shane, Secretary, NSW Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
- Professor James Piper
- Dr D J S Rutledge, Consultant and Director, Sydney Futures Exchange
- The Honourable Justice G J Samuels, Chancellor, University of New South Wales
- Emeritus Professor Di Yerbury, General Manager, Australia Council