Find all pre-2002 Macquarie University awards
Graduate register pre-2002
To search graduations between from 2002–present, visit Graduate Register.
You may search with any of the criteria below, however, when searching with Degree Type either a Last Name or First Name must also be included.
Search results are limited to 50.
The results of your search will appear with the graduate's current formal name, degree title and conferral date.
If you are looking to verify other details, visit Service Connect for the official MQ documents available to you.
The information in the database is updated regularly.
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Payroll certificates
The Association for Payroll Specialists
T: 1300 711 240
F: +61 (2) 9258 2155
Superannuation qualifications
The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA)
T: +61 (2) 9264 9300
F: +61 (2) 9264 8824