Support for research related activities
Graduate Research students have access to grants and funding at Macquarie University to cover expenses relating to the conduct of their research or fieldwork.
There are two levels of funding available to graduate research students:
- The Macquarie University Postgraduate Research Fund (offered for activities that add value to a research project)
- Faculty administered funding (offered for other research-based expenses)
Graduate researchers may also be eligible to apply for external grants to support their research activities in the form of project grants. You can search for research funding opportunities through Pivot-RP - a comprehensive, searchable database of research funding opportunities and collaborators across all disciplines and project types.
Funding details
The Macquarie University Postgraduate Research Fund (PGRF) is a designated fund of up to $6000 per student for activities that add value to a research project, such as a trip for a conference presentation or visit to a laboratory.
Students can apply for funding once during their candidature, with the exception of those partaking in a joint PhD program, who may apply to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Research for permission to make a second application.
The PGRF has two application rounds per year.
Scheme | For activities between | Applications due | Notification of results |
Round 2, 2025 | 1/7/2025 - 31/12/2025 | 3/3/2025 | 14/4/2025 |
Round 1, 2026 | 1/1/2026 - 30/6/2026 | 11/8/2025 | 22/9/2025 |
Applicants should seek advice from their supervisors in preparing their application.
Details of activities are covered in the PGRF Funding Rules. All planned travel must conform to Macquarie’s Travel Policy.
Note: In preparation of the application budget, PGRF applicants may attach indicative flight and accommodation quotes obtained online (i.e., through airlines, Airbnb, other accommodation sources). This exception is for the application form only. Flight and accommodation bookings must be made through Corporate Travel Management (Macquarie University’s travel management supplier) and should not be booked until after funds are approved.
Forms and additional information
- PGRF Funding Rules (these rules were updated July 2024)
- PGRF Application Form Conference [DOCX 42KB]
- PGRF Application Form Research Costs [DOCX 41KB]
- PGRF Supervisor's Report [DOCX 27KB]
- PGRF Final Report [DOCX 25KB]
- PGRF Variation [DOCX 23KB]
- Schedule 1 Travel Bursary Allowance and Country Classification
Faculty of Arts
PhD and MPhil students in the Faculty of Arts may apply for the following, in consultation with their Supervision Team and Department/School Research Training Director:
Faculty of Arts Graduate Research Student Essential Funding Scholarship
The Faculty of Arts Graduate Research Student Essential Funding Scholarship provides support for essential research expenses only for MRes (max $1,000) and MPhil/PhD (max $5,000) students:
- Faculty of Arts Graduate Research Student Essential Funding Scholarship - please download this PDF for the full details of this funding scheme: inclusions and exclusions, and details of how and when to apply.
- FoA Graduate Research Funding Application Form
- FoA Graduate Research Budget Spreadsheet - to be submitted with funding application form.
Students who enrolled in their graduate research program from 1 July 2022 will need to submit their Funding Application Form at the time of Confirmation of Candidature. Students who enrolled prior to 1 July 2022, may submit their initial application prior to Confirmation of Candidature, if justified. Both Funding Application and Variation Forms must be accompanied by a FoA Graduate Research Budget Spreadsheet.
All requests for travel funding must comply with the Macquarie University Travel Policy. All research-related travel is subject to any restrictions and approval processes that may be in place at the time of travel.
Faculty of Science and Engineering
In the Faculty of Science and Engineering, research funding is provided by your School/Department. Visit the Graduate Research section of your School/Department Sharepoint site for information on available funding.
External research grants
Opportunities may arise where you can obtain additional funding from external organisations. Consult with your supervisor for more information.
Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
In the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, research funding is provided by your department. Each department's process is different, so contact your department manager/administrator for the funding application process.
For the Macquarie Medical School, contact your supervisor or Research Training Director for the funding application process.
Macquarie Business School
The School provides up to $10,000 for workshops, training, transcript services or colloquium and conference attendance.
For details of research funding provided by the School, refer to the MQBS HDR iLearn page (login required).
Macquarie University is supportive of graduate research students applying for relevant external grants, for travel, conference attendance or project costs. Nonetheless, the University expects that external research grants should not interfere with candidature at the University nor require extended periods of Offsite Research.
Students should discuss the relevant grant opportunity with their Principal or Masters Supervisor, and ensure they read all documentation relating to their eligibility and use of the funds before considering the opportunity. For external grant opportunities that involve the administration of funds from an external body for the project by the University, the application must be created in the University’s research management system, Pure, by the Supervisor, at least fours weeks prior to the external deadline.
Graduate Research Student Applications for external grants are reviewed by the Graduate Research Academy (GRA), the Grant Development team in Research Services, and the Head of Department. Information for supervisors on submitting an external grant application for Graduate Research Students is here.
If the external funding opportunity includes a scholarship, such as a stipend or top up to be administered by the University, or for tuition fees, please contact the GRA with the details of the opportunity and deadlines including your MQ student ID, application guidelines, and any documents, or a link to the webpage where grant/scholarship details (scholarship components and rate, etc.) are available. Please see the Graduate Research Scholarships website for scholarship opportunities for students enrolled in graduate research programs.
If the external funding opportunity is in the form of a paid internship with a non-University organisation please refer to the Industry Engagement information from the GRA.
Graduate research students are also encouraged to seek external travel grants, bursaries, mobility opportunities and fellowships that may not involve administration of funds by the University. Successful awards should be notified to
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Macquarie University NSW 2109