Researcher development

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  5. Researcher development

Support and training to advance your research skills

We are here to make sure you are well resourced, supported and informed in completing and presenting your research, so that you graduate with your research degree as a world-ready leader and thinker of tomorrow.


Aligning with Macquarie’s Graduate Research Development Framework, we offer a range of services including face-to-face and online courses for graduate research students. We also make available a wealth of online resources and on demand courses that you can access at any time.

Graduate Research Development offers face-to-face, online and hybrid workshops and courses that support researcher development in the skills that feature in the Graduate Research Development Framework. These include:

  • thesis and publication writing
  • presenting at conferences
  • creative and design thinking
  • using software to handle qualitative or quantitative data
  • maximising your internship
  • preparing for careers within and outside of academia
  • drawing up a research budget
  • planning and managing a research project

To peruse, request and register into workshops, go to Macquarie University’s Research Development Calendar, myRDC.

A range of online resources are available via iLearn and subscription-based training platforms to help graduate research students develop their research and professional skills.

These one-page guidelines provide succinct, user-friendly advice that is consistent with best practices and MQ Policy and Procedures at the time of writing:

Contact for more information.

Graduate Research Academy
Level 2, 16 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
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