Student leadership

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  5. Student leadership

Contribute to the graduate research experience

Help improve the graduate research journey by becoming a student representative.

Student representatives play an important role in enhancing the graduate research journey. They work closely with the graduate research community to ensure the student voice is heard by the University on matters such as:

  • academic policies for graduate researchers
  • graduate research course structures
  • on-campus services and provisions for supporting graduate researchers
  • new initiatives for graduate researchers

Graduate research student representatives sit on the following committees:

Academic Senate
The Academic Senate is made up of elected and appointed staff and student members from each of our Faculties, along with representatives from many other areas of Macquarie University.

Information about electing members for Academic Senate is available on the Elections website.
Research and Research Training Committee
The Research and Research Training Committee is responsible for advising Academic Senate on research and research training matters.
Student representatives for the RRTC are nominated by the Academic Senate.
Graduate Research Advisory Group 
The Graduate Research Advisory Group (GRAG) was established to strengthen the communication between Graduate Research Leadership, management and students and to provide an effective mechanism for engaging with the graduate researchers to inform decision making.
GRAG student members are elected for a two year term. A call for nominations will be circulated when there is a vacancy.
Faculty Boards
Student Representatives on Faculty Boards often take a role in organising Department/School or Faculty social activities, research groups, and conferences. They are also someone you can contact if you have a concern or a suggestion that you'd prefer to discuss with a peer, rather than a member of staff.
Information about electing members for Faculty Boards is available on the Elections website.
Student Representative Council
The Student Representative Council (SRC) represents and advocates the interests of students to the highest levels of the University as the peak consultative body for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Information about SRC Elections and Appointment is available here.
Graduate Research Academy
Level 2, 16 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
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