Student charter

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  6. Student charter

Expect and Respect

Your guide to student conduct.

Student charter infographic

The Student Charter acts as an easily digestible guide to the expectations of behaviour that Macquarie University aspires all students to achieve. It focuses on the learning environment created for students, outlines the standard of general and academic conduct expected of students across the University, and what students can expect in return. The Charter aims to help students understand policies and procedures at the University, particularly the Student Code of Conduct, and provides linkage to the most relevant ones for students.

The Student Charter differs from other university policies for two reasons:

  1. Positive in nature
  2. You help shape it

Positive in nature

You may notice that university policies are quite formal. The Student Charter is different as it was drafted to be more accessible in terms of its language, aspirational in tone and clearer when describing expectations. It outlines a standard of behaviour students are expected to follow when engaging in University-related activities. This means it directs towards positive conduct and a standard students should work towards rather than focusing on negative behaviour students should avoid. The Charter contains the following sections:

  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. Student expectations of the University
  4. University expectations of students
    1. General conduct
    2. Academic conduct
  5. Definitions

Highlights in the Student Charter

The scope includes student conduct and student organisation conduct in connection to University-related activities. This means the conduct does not need to occur on-campus to fall within the Charter’s remit. Conduct a Macquarie University graduate engaged in when they were a current student will be within the scope of the Student Charter. The fact someone has graduated from University does not mean they are barred from being held responsible for their conduct while they were a student.

Check out the definition of “Students” to see if the Charter applies to you.

The Student Charter communicates student expectations and the Student Code of Conduct enforces the standard of behaviour required.


Students expect the University to treat them fairly, transparently and courteously, and provide opportunities for students to take part in decision-making at the University through academic governance.

  • Example 1: During investigation and discipline processes students will be provided with the facts and evidence held by the investigators and given a chance to respond to any allegations of misconduct.
  • Example 2: Students have the opportunity to participate in academic governance initiatives such as the Academic Senate which is a governing body at the University with student representatives.


The University expects students to act honestly and ethically in all dealings with the University, and respect the University’s commitment to academic achievement through upholding high standards.

  • Example 1: When one student from Macquarie University engages in behaviour directed towards harming another Macquarie student at a shopping centre, the University will provide support to both students involved, however, the police will be responsible for delivering any consequences.
  • Example 2: There may be multiple Macquarie University students engaged in an online group chat on Facebook and harsh comments and directed towards some students. While this is an online space, if there is a connection to the University such as the group being about a student organisation or a group assignment, the University may intervene.
  • Example 3: If a conversation is happening between two students from Macquarie University on social media about their personal lives, the University will be able to support the two students if one student feels harmed by the other. However, the University will not be responsible for holding one student accountable where the conversation is not about something connected to the University.

Have your say

Student input was prioritised when drafting the Student Charter and will continue to be considered after the Student Charter is published. Fill out this feedback survey after reading the Student Charter to note down any comments you have on aspects of the Charter you like, aspects you don’t understand, or changes you would like to suggest. This feedback will be considered when the Student Charter is reviewed. Reviews will occur annually.

Acknowledgement of key contributors

In addition to student input, there were many staff members who contributed to the Student Charter and they are recognised for their efforts below. These staff members represent a wide cross-section of the University and the extensive consultation which took place:

Student representatives in academic governance from the consultations in November 2021.

Various Macquarie University Stakeholders including the University Discipline Committee, the Academic Integrity Project-Officer,  the Learning and Teaching portfolio, the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous Strategy, the Office of General Counsel (OGC), the Research Integrity Office and Graduate Research Academy, Macquarie University College, Governance Services, the Student Representative Committee (SRC), Information Technology Service Desk, Group Marketing, Faculties, Enrolment Services, and Student Engagement, Inclusion and Belonging.


Here are some definitions of key terms to help you understand the Student Charter.

  • Policy Central: Online repository which houses policies and procedures at Macquarie University.
  • Academic governance: A mechanism within universities and similar institutions which provides for scrutiny, transparency, accountability and an evaluation of academic activities. Students can be involved in academic governance through policy reviews, participating in the Academic Senate, University Discipline Committee, Academic Integrity Task Force and more.