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  3. Assessments and exams
  4. Assessments
  5. Glossary

Assessment and exam glossary

We've defined commonly used assessment and exam terms below.


  • Rubric: an outline of assessment criteria
  • Hurdle requirement: an assessment task that requires a minimum level of performance to pass a unit
  • Serious attempt: when you've tried to address the set task but failed to reach the required standard. If a serious attempt has been made at a hurdle requirement, you will generally be given one more chance to meet that requirement


  • Examination paper: an original document prepared by academic staff
  • Examination script: your attempt at an examination paper
  • Final examination: an examination held within a specified period and administered by the Registrar’s office
  • Take-home examination: an exam paper attempted away from the University over a set period
  • Time-limited exam with a fixed start time: The exam starts at the same time for everyone, but there may be multiple offerings during the assessment period. If that's the case, students can pick the date and time that is more appropriate for them. The exam paper is different in each offering. Students can only sit the exam in one of the offerings.
  • Time-limited exam within a window: The exam is available for students to complete within a six-hour window. You can choose when you want to start your exam; you just need to make sure you complete it before the end of the six-hour window. The exam is available in a wider time period (window), which allows students to complete the exam at the time that is most appropriate for them.
  • Invigilation: direct supervision of an assessment task or exam to prevent cheating
  • Proctored exam: an exam that is supervised by an independent person. On-campus exams are supervised by an invigilator. However, online proctored exams are supervised remotely via webcam.
  • Moderation: quality review and assurance process that supports the final examination setting and marking activities

If you have any further questions, consult your lecturer or check iLearn for more details.

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