Appealing a final grade

There are three grounds for appealing a final grade. If you meet one or more of these below listed grounds, you may want to submit a Grade appeal.

  • an administrative error occurred in the calculation of the final grade
  • the outcome of an approved Special Consideration application was not correctly applied
  • you did not receive the same opportunity to demonstrate the learning outcomes as your cohort due to the conduct of your assessment task or examination being different from that of the cohort

Quick tip: You have 15 working days from the published result date of your unit to submit an appeal. You won’t be able to submit an appeal after this time.

Before you apply

Here are some things to be mindful of before submitting an appeal:

  • Having your grade reviewed will not necessarily result in an increase in your grade and may result in a reduction of your grade.
  • You should make a booking to review your exam script before submitting a grade appeal for claims of administrative errors during final exams.
  • College students should make a booking here
  • If you need assistance navigating the Grade Appeal process, contact Student Advocacy.

You can appeal based on procedural irregularities and the grounds to appeal are outlined in the Academic Appeals Policy

To be eligible you must:

  • provide supporting documentation with your application
  • submit your appeal within the given timeframe