Macquarie University Innovation Fellows

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  4. Macquarie University Innovation Fellows

Develop a student-led change project with Stanford

We're giving four lucky Macquarie students the unique opportunity to learn design thinking skills and develop a student-led change project with the Hasso Plattner School of Design at Stanford University (dschool).

Macquarie Incubator is offering scholarships for four students to partake in 12 weeks of online training provided by dschool with the possibility of participating in a face to face component at Stanford in 2023 (TBC). You will receive mentoring support throughout the program from our Expert in Residence (Stanford Design School Fellow, accredited by Stanford University in Design Thinking)


We are looking for four undergraduate or graduate students who:

  • are passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of others
  • have 2 years remaining before graduation
  • can fully commit to the training period from 29 August - 9 September 2022

For further information visit the Innovation Fellows page.


To apply, send your motivation letter and CV to by 16 March 2022.