Your chance to make a lasting impact on the College!

Monday 2 September – Monday 14 October 2024

Running for six weeks, this competition invites all students to explore the theme of 'Belonging' through digital design, artwork, photography, or collage.

The winning entry will not only be transformed into a mural, to be unveiled on Level Two of the Macquarie University College when it reopens in 2025, but will also receive a $500 prepaid Visa gift card. Get creative and submit your design for a chance to leave your mark on our campus!

  • The competition is open to all Macquarie University students
  • Submissions can include digital design, artwork, photography, or collage
  • The winning entry will be transformed into a mural, unveiled on Level Two of the College when the level reopens in 2025.
  • The winner will also receive a $500 prepaid Visa gift card
  • This is your opportunity to make a lasting impact on the College with your creativity!
  • View the Terms and Conditions below for further information on elements such as design brief, theme, eligibility and judging

Enter the competition

The Terms and Conditions for this Competition comprise the details outlined in the Specific Terms and General Terms set out below. By entering the Competition, you accept these Terms and Conditions.



MQ College aspires to be a place where students feel they belong and can thrive as their authentic selves. "Belonging" means different things to different people and we would like to see your interpretations of what it is to belong at Macquarie University College.

The mural will be featured on the blank wall space opposite the stairwell exit on Level 2 of the MQ College building at 8 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Avenue, Macquarie University NSW 2109.

Entry Period and submission 

Entries will be accepted from Monday 2 September until 11.55pm Monday 14 October 2024. Macquarie reserves the right to change the Entry Period, including extending it so that the Entry Period ends on a date later than 26 May 2024. Submit your entry(ies) here


A person (Entrant) may only enter this competition if, as at Tuesday 5 March 2024:

  1. they are enrolled as a:
    1. MQ College student studying an English Language Program, Standard Foundation or Intensive Program, Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma;  or
    2. Student of Macquarie University.
  2. they are at least 16 years of age; and
  3. they are not a current employee or contractor of Macquarie University (or any of its controlled entities), or a member of their immediate family.

You may submit multiple entries into this Competition provided that each entry satisfies these Terms, is substantially original, and is submitted as a separate entry.

Design brief 

Please view the blank mural space on Level 2 before you design your entry.

Create a sketch or image that can be expanded to fit the wall space of 5.7m (long) x 2.5m (high) and which conveys the Theme of “Belonging”. Digital images should be 300 DPI.

Entrants are also required to submit an accompanying blurb describing their entry’s significance to the Theme ‘Belonging’.

Entries must be your original work and must not include another person’s work or contain content generated by artificial intelligence.

If your entry contains images of real people, you must obtain written permission from each person appearing in your entry that they consent to your use of their image in your entry, and to Macquarie using your entry as set out in these Terms and Conditions. You may be asked to provide copies of the written permissions to Macquarie.

Prize & judging

There will be one winning entry which will receive the prize of a $500 gift card.

All eligible entries will be considered by a judging panel which will select the winning entry based on an evaluation of each entry’s aesthetic appeal, interpretation and portrayal of the Theme of “Belonging”, and its suitability to be used as a mural at the Mural Site. If no entries are judged suitable, Macquarie is not obliged to award a winning entry and may, but is not obliged to extend the Competition more broadly across the university.

The panel’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

Notification of prize winner

The winner will be notified by phone or email on or before 21 October 2024, or later date nominated by Macquarie, if Macquarie decides to extend the Entry Period.

Macquarie will also publish the winning entrant’s name, photo, entry and blurb on the Macquarie University College website and Macquarie University social media pages.


If a winning entry is selected, the University will digitise, amplify, and print the winning entry onto the wall at the Mural Site.

Reproduction & copyright

By submitting your entry, you agree Macquarie may copy and use your entry (and blurb) in any media for an unlimited period without remuneration in connection with this Competition (including uploading your entry and your information on a website promoting the Competition or its outcome).

The winning Entrant agrees that the University may copy, modify and use their entry (and blurb) in any media or format for an unlimited period without remuneration for the University’s purposes, including copying and printing their entry at the Mural Site and for the University’s educational, teaching, research and promotional purposes. The rights granted to Macquarie are irrevocable, perpetual, transferable and sub-licensable.

The winning Entrant agrees that Macquarie may modify or format their entry as Macquarie considers necessary or desirable for the purposes of reproducing the entry at the Mural Site.

Macquarie makes no representations in relation to the period of time during which it may display the winning entry at the Mural Site. The winning Entrant agrees that Macquarie may leave the winning entry in place for any period of time, or it may edit, re-paint, cover or remove the winning entry from the Mural Site at any time, in its absolute discretion without notice to the winner.

The winning Entrant acknowledges that Macquarie may use his/her entry without acknowledging the Entrant as the author. The winning Entrant consents to any use of their entry which may otherwise infringe their moral rights pursuant to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).


  1. The Promoter of this Competition is Macquarie University ABN 90 952 801 237 of Balaclava Road, Macquarie University, North Ryde NSW 2109 (Macquarie).
  2. The Competition is a game of skill and is open to persons who meet the Eligibility requirements. Macquarie reserves the right to verify the eligibility and validity of all Entrants and entries and to disqualify any Entrant from the Competition who in Macquarie’s opinion does not meet the Eligibility requirements, has not submitted a valid entry or has engaged in any unlawful or improper conduct which may jeopardise the fair and proper promotion and conduct of the Competition. This includes Macquarie’s right to require an Entrant to show that they have obtained written consent from any identifiable person who appears in the entry, to use their image in the entry and for Macquarie to use the entry in the manner set out in these Terms and Conditions.
  3. By entering the Competition and submitting an entry, each Entrant warrants and represents that:
    1. the Entrant is the owner of all intellectual property rights in their entry (and blurb) and has full power and authority to grant the rights set out in these Terms and Conditions to the University;
    2. their entry (and blurb) is their own original work and does not infringe the rights (including intellectual property rights or moral rights) of any third party;
    3. if any identifiable person is included in their entry, they have obtained that person’s consent to submit the entry and for Macquarie to use the entry as described in these Terms and Conditions;
    4. any use of their entry by Macquarie (or its authorised users and licensees) will not infringe the rights (including intellectual property rights or moral rights) of any third party; and
    5. they will not submit any material that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, offensive, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, blasphemous or unlawful.
  4. Any decision by Macquarie on the conduct of the Competition (including whether an Entrant meets the Eligibility Requirements) or the award of a prize is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  5. The prize or any unused portion of a prize is not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for cash. If a prize is unavailable, Macquarie in its discretion reserves the right to substitute the prize with a prize of equal value. The prize is subject to any additional terms imposed by the relevant supplier.
  6. To redeem their prize, the winning Entrant must provide Macquarie with their student card for confirmation of their identify
  7. To the extent permitted by law, Macquarie:
    1. disclaims all liability for any claim, cost, loss, damage or expense arising from the participation by any person in the Competition, the submission of an entry by an Entrant or from the collection, redemption, acceptance and use of a prize by the winning Entrant;
    2. is not responsible or liable for any damage or technical problems or malfunction of any computer and telecommunications equipment, network and lines that relate to or result from the Entrant’s participation in the Competition; and
    3. accepts no responsibility if for any reason the Competition is not able to run as planned including but not limited to infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failure, or any causes beyond the control of Macquarie which corrupts or affects the administration, security, integrity or proper conduct of the Competition.
  8. Macquarie reserves the right to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the competition in its discretion.
  9. Each Entrant consents to the collection, storage, use and disclosure by Macquarie of the personal information they submit for the purposes of the Competition (including but not limited to their name, email address, phone number, image, photograph and student number for purposes related to this Competition, and for Macquarie’s educational, teaching, research and promotional purposes.
  10. Any and all personal information collected by, or on behalf of Macquarie through the conduct of the Competition will be used and handled by Macquarie in accordance with its Privacy Management Plan and these Terms and Conditions.
  11. The Terms and Conditions of this Competition are governed by the laws of New South Wales.
  12. If you have any questions regarding this Competition, support is available at: