International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia

May 17th – the world marks IDAHOBIT, International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia.

This date holds significance for LGBTQIA+ communities as it commemorates May 17th, 1990, the day when the World Health Organisation declassified homosexuality as a mental illness and removed from their Classification of Diseases.

While this day marked a major step forward for LGBTQIA+ equality, decades on global communities continue to face discrimination. IDAHOBIT celebrates the vibrant and diverse LGBTQIA+ community and raises awareness about the ongoing fight for equality.

Learn more about IDAHOBIT


Assortment of people gathered at a International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia event with stalls


Thursday 16th May, 11am – 2pm, 18 Wally’s Walk

Come by the Student Engagement, Inclusion and Belonging stall on the 16th to grab some items and resources (… and possibly a treat) leading up to IDAHOBIT.

Take time to share a positive message on the affirmation board, or get creative and express yourself through art at the paint station.

Ubar Drag Trivia

Friday 17th May, 6pm – 8pm, Ubar

On Friday May 17th (IDAHOBIT Day), Ubar will be hosting Drag Trivia from 6-8pm. The two Queens hosting the trivia will be the amazing Annie-Mation and Mulan the Drag Queen.

There will be fun prizes, lip sync performances and tons of laughs.

Bookings are essential, and all table bookings will receive a 25% discount for their pizza pre-order for the night. Book now by emailing