Creating an inclusive community at MQ
Queer space is a safe space on campus for all staff and students who identify across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum as well as their straight allies.
Gender and Sexuality Centre
Queer space is a safe space that is designed to foster a sense of community, provide vital information and resources, and facilitate discussion and personal development among staff and students who identify as lesbian, gay, queer, intersex, asexual and/or queer along with their straight allies.
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of the Queer space visitors and staff we ask you to observe the following conditions of entry:
- Scan the NSW Government QR code at the MUSE building entry.
- Use hand sanitisers provided and wash your hands regularly.
- Refrain from moving furniture around in the room.
- Practise social distancing. We strongly advise wearing a mask where you cannot maintain 1.5m from others.
- Stay home if you are unwell, or if current NSW Health guidelines require you to self-isolate.
- Comply with signage and any directions from University staff.
Location: Level 1, 18 Wally's Walk, Macquarie University
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.30pm
The Ally Network
Macquarie University's Ally Network is a visible group of informed staff and students who support sexual and gender diversity and promote a safe campus where people who identify (or who are questioning) as LGBTQIA+ can work and study free from unlawful discrimination, harassment or bullying.
Allies become a point of contact on campus for anyone interested or affected by these issues, as well as an agent of change who challenges homophobia and heterosexism.
The MQ Ally Network is coordinated through the Equity and Diversity Unit. For more information, or to contact the Ally Network send an email to
Queer Collective
The Macquarie University Queer Collective is an officially affiliated student group which is open to staff and students who identify as LQBTQIA+, as well as their Straight Allies. While the Queer Space provides a physical room for people to get together, the Queer Collective is the social group that organises events and brings people together to create a sense of community.
The Queer Collective has an official Facebook group which is a way to meet other people, keep in contact, and get information about upcoming events. In order to protect the anonymity of its members, the Facebook group is set to private. To gain access to the Facebook group, or to contact the Queer Collective, send an email to
18 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109