For researchers

EndNote is a program that allows a user to manage and organise personal libraries of bibliographic references. See below for conditions of use, installing EndNote and frequently asked questions.

About EndNote

EndNote's three distinct advantages for referencing are:

  • The ability to create, manage and search personal reference libraries.
  • The use of linking to create in-text citations and bibliographies in word-processed documents, using defined bibliographic styles.
  • The ability to import to EndNote reference libraries, bibliographic references from databases and library catalogues.

Conditions of use

The Macquarie University Licence Agreement permits the use of the program for course work, research or other work directly related to Macquarie University. EndNote can only be used by Macquarie University staff and students:

  • on and off campus on University-owned computers
  • on and off campus on personally-owned computers.

The computer owner must be a Macquarie University staff member or student and the licence applies only whilst they continue to be associated with Macquarie University.

Installing EndNote

Follow our guides on how to install: