Course info

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  2. Study
  3. New students
  4. Getting started
  5. Course info

Success starts with understanding your course

Knowing what subjects to take, when you need to take them and what to expect from each subject is crucial. Your course handbook is where you can find this information.

Course handbook

Your course handbook has information about your course structure, the units you need to study and important rules, policies and dates that you need to know for your studies.

Access your course handbook and:

  1. Choose the Faculty that manages your course
  2. Select your course and read through the requirements.

Guidance and support

We’ve got a tiered support system to help you find the answers and better understand your course requirements.

Find the answers you need with:

If you still have issues with completing your enrolment in eStudent, refer to the How To videos in eStudent (under the eStudent tutorials tab).

Service Connect

For course guidance, check what RPL you can apply for, and discuss impacts of changing your course in the future, you need to contact Service Connect.

  • Online: Service Connect
  • Live chat on this page
  • Ground Floor, 18 Wally's Walk, Macquarie University

Tip: Your course orientation session in O Week will cover important information, so make sure you check your emails to register in early February.

Check out Student Life next

Follow our step-by-step guide to completing enrolment.