Individualised support

Macquarie University offers a range of one-on-one consultation services for graduate research students, including data and statistical advice.

Graduate research students can book a one-on-one appointment with their Graduate Research Development Advisor to discuss:

  • thesis writing
  • conference preparation
  • grant application
  • publishing
  • other learning skills issues

These consultations can take place in person on campus or over Skype/Zoom.

To book an appointment, email your Graduate Research Development Advisor, or email and your Advisor will get back to you. Please include your name, your department, and what you would like to discuss.

Statistical advice should be sought early in your candidature. Advice on data analysis and interpretation is available from Macquarie's Department of Statistics. This graduate research statistical consulting service is available on Tuesdays from 10am to 12pm.

Contact Associate Professor Peter Petocz to book an appointment or submit a question online.

A/Prof Peter Petocz
Room 1.31, Level 1, 16 Wally's Walk (Tuesdays only)
Macquarie University
North Ryde NSW 2109

The Macquarie University Library offers a wealth of research support to help you keep up to date in your field, manage your references, and to track the impact of your research.

For additional research support, book a consultation with your faculty research librarian.

The editing process for graduate resaerch students is governed by the ‘Guidelines for Editing Research Theses’ as set out by the Institute of Professional Editors Limited (IPEd). You can search for an editor who offers the services you need and has expertise in the subject you are writing about at 'Find an editor'.

You must consult your supervisor before engaging an editor.

We also provide additional information relating to thesis preparation, submission, and examination.