Graduate Teaching Associate Program

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  5. Graduate Teaching Associate Program

Develop high quality teaching skills

The Graduate Teaching Associate Program (GTAP) is designed to develop and accelerate a graduate researcher’s teaching skills and experience while they are undertaking a part-time PhD.

The program

The GTAP is an early career academic position for newly commencing graduate research students who would like to develop high quality teaching skills during their research candidature. It seeks to enhance their ability to gain academic employment at the end of their PhD.

The program consists of:

  • a ​five-year employment contract linked to enrolment in a part-time PhD for 5 years
  • followed by a 6-month full-time PhD scholarship (subject to satisfactory progression on the APR) to support the completion of the PhD, and
  • learning and teaching opportunities.

The Graduate Teaching Associate undertakes a range of duties associated with teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students including relevant administration and professional activities and supports the achievement of the department’s strategic objectives.

We've answered all your frequently asked questions about the Graduate Teaching Associate Program (GTAP) below.

What does the program cover?

Graduate Researchers in the GTA program undertake their PhD on a part-time basis while employed on a 0.5FTE Level A, Step 2 academic position for 5 years. At the conclusion of the five year contract the DVC Research will offer all GTAs who have made satisfactory progress in their APR a full-time scholarship to complete their PhD over the following 6 months.

Does the GTAP guarantee me an academic role at the end of my PhD?

There is no guarantee of employment at the end of the GTAP. However, in a highly competitive employment field you will be able to demonstrate that alongside the research skills and experience you have developed as part of your PhD, you also have 5 years of teaching experience. At the GRA, we believe that this demonstrates a significant and sustained commitment towards developing as a highly effective academic and will give you a competitive advantage when applying for academic roles. This may include an advertised Early Career Fellow (ECF) position if you satisfy the minimum requirements for eligibility.

Is the GTAP employment or a scholarship?

The first five years of the GTAP is a 5 year part-time (0.5 FTE) fixed term contract at Level A, Step 2 alongside a part-time PhD. There is no scholarship during this five year period.

At the conclusion of the 5 year employment contract the DVC Research will offer all GTAs who have made satisfactory progress in their APR a full-time scholarship to complete their PhD over the following 6 months.

How many GTAP positions are available?

We are not currently recruiting into the GTAP. The availability of future positions will be determined by each faculty based on their teaching needs. Where a position becomes available, it will be advertised via the University's standard recruitment channels.

What is the employment commitment under the GTAP?

The contract is a 0.5FTE role.

What happens if I decide that the GTAP isn’t for me? Can I quit and move to a full-time PhD?

Yes, you may resign from your employment with the University by providing a reasonable period of notice (as outlined in your contract) in writing. Students can apply to change their load (ie move to full-time) at any point in their candidature but must apply before the relevant census date for the enrolment period. There are two census dates each year on 7 February and 7 August. Changes will be effective from the beginning of the relevant enrolment period.

Will I still receive the scholarship if I don’t complete the employment contract?

No, the scholarship is only offered to GTAs who complete the full GTAP.

If I quit the GTAP can I apply for a scholarship during my candidature?

No. Scholarships are generally made available at the time of enrolment only.

If I have already accepted/commenced a scholarship can I apply for the GTAP?

Yes. If your application for the GTAP is successful you will continue your scholarship (including the stipend) until the date your GTA employment contract starts. When your GTA employment contract starts you will relinquish your scholarship and move to part-time candidature.

Graduate Research Academy
Level 2, 16 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109