Submit your thesis

  1. Students
  2. Study
  3. Graduate research
  4. Prepare for completion
  5. Submit your thesis

It's time to submit your thesis!

Prior to submitting your thesis, read through the information below and ensure you are following the correct process.

The information below is applicable to examinations:

  • Where the supervisor has commenced the nomination of examiners, or the student has submitted their thesis in the e-examination portal on or before 31 August 2024
  • Where the supervisor has commenced the nomination of examiners and the student has submitted their thesis in the e-examination portal on or after 1 September 2024

Nomination of examiners

Your supervisor is responsible for nominating suitable examiners for your thesis. The University requires nomination and selection of graduate research thesis examiners to be based on the principle that you receive an impartial examination by high-quality examiners in the relevant field of research.

The examiners must not have had any involvement in the preparation of the thesis, as a member of your supervisory panel or as one of your academic advisors. The University expects all supervisors, faculties and examiners to report all actual or potential conflicts of interest.

The University applies the Conflict of Interest Guidelines [PDF 28MB] of the Australian Council of Graduate Research.

PhD/MPhil students

You should discuss possible examiners with your Principal Supervisor and other supervisors at least three months in advance of your thesis submission date. Your supervisor will contact the possible examiners to ascertain their availability to examine your thesis.

Once confirmed, your supervisor will submit an electronic examiner nomination via the HDR Thesis Examination portal to the Thesis Examination Subcommittee for review and approval. This normally includes a list of:

  • Five examiners for a doctoral degree
  • Four for a Master of Philosophy degree

You will have to electronically confirm the selection of the nominated examiners.

For further information on the nomination of examiners, see Schedule 2 in the HDR Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy.

Master of Research (MRes) students

You should discuss with your Principal Supervisor the names of any persons that you do not wish to examine your thesis at least two months before your expected thesis submission date.

Your supervisor will contact possible examiners to ascertain their availability to examine your thesis. Once confirmed, your supervisor will submit an electronic examiner nomination via the HDR Thesis Examination portal to the Thesis Examination Subcommittee for review and approval.

For further information on the nomination of examiners, see the Master of Research - Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Procedures and Schedule 2 in the HDR Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy.

Thesis submission

When your thesis is complete and appropriately formatted, you must submit your thesis via the HDR Thesis Examination Portal. For more information view the instructions for submitting your thesis via the HDR Thesis Examination Portal [PDF 684KB].

Note for Master of Research (MRes) students: If your thesis is submitted late, you will be penalised one percentage point from your final MRes thesis grade per calendar day until your thesis is submitted. Submission will be taken as the date your thesis is submitted electronically via the portal.

If your supervisor is unable or unwilling to approve your thesis submission, the matter should be referred to the Faculty’s Associate Dean, Research Training and Partnerships for resolution.

Once your thesis is submitted, your candidature is considered to be 'Under Examination' (UX). If you are a PhD/MPhil student in receipt of a scholarship, your scholarship will be terminated when you submit your thesis or at the end of the Scholarship, whichever occurs first. If you submit your thesis prior to the expiry of the Scholarship, the Scholarship will normally be terminated at the end of the fortnightly pay period in which your thesis is submitted.

If you are a MRes student in receipt of a scholarship, your scholarship will be terminated at the end of your Scholarship.

For information about the examination process, see the HDR Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy.

Cotutelle and Joint Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students

If you are enrolled in a Cotutelle or Joint PhD program, refer to your agreement for additional information relating to your examiners and thesis examination. Joint PhD students with a lead university that is not Macquarie University must provide the following information to to ensure your enrolment is not ceased:

  • evidence of your thesis submission
  • 100 words abstract for your Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement
  • a point of contact at the partner university

Nomination of examiners

Your supervisor is responsible for nominating suitable examiners for your thesis. The University requires nomination and selection of graduate research thesis examiners to be based on the principle that you receive an impartial examination by high-quality examiners in the relevant field of research.

The examiners must not have had any involvement in the preparation of the thesis, as a member of your supervisory panel or as one of your academic advisors. The University expects all supervisors, faculties and examiners to report all actual or potential conflicts of interest.

The University applies the Conflict of Interest Guidelines [PDF 28MB] of the Australian Council of Graduate Research.

PhD/MPhil students

You should discuss possible examiners with your Principal Supervisor and other supervisors at least three months in advance of your thesis submission date. Your supervisor will contact the possible examiners to ascertain their availability to examine your thesis.

Once confirmed, your supervisor will submit an electronic examiner nomination via the HDR Thesis Examination portal to the Research Degree Subcommittee for review and approval, noting that the decision of the final examination panel must not be disclosed to you. This normally includes a list of:

  • Three examiners for a doctoral degree
  • Three for a Master of Philosophy degree

For further information on the nomination of examiners, see the Graduate Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Procedure and Schedule 1 of the Graduate Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy.

Master of Research (MRes) students

You should discuss possible examiners with your Principal Supervisor and other supervisors at least six weeks in advance of your thesis submission date. Your supervisor will contact the possible examiners to ascertain their availability to examine your thesis.

Once confirmed, your supervisor will submit an electronic examiner nomination via the HDR Thesis Examination portal to the Research Degree Subcommittee for review and approval, noting that the decision of the final examination panel must not be disclosed to you.. This normally includes an initial list of two examiners, although a third may be required at a later date.

For further information on the nomination of examiners, see the Graduate Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Procedure and Schedule 1 of the Graduate Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy.

Thesis submission

When your thesis is complete and appropriately formatted, you must submit your thesis via the HDR Thesis Examination Portal. For more information view the instructions for submitting your thesis via the HDR Thesis Examination Portal [PDF 684KB].

Note for Master of Research (MRes) students: If your thesis is submitted late, you will be penalised one percentage point from your final MRes thesis grade per calendar day until your thesis is submitted. Submission will be taken as the date your thesis is submitted electronically via the portal.

If your supervisor is unable or unwilling to approve your thesis submission, the matter should be referred to the Faculty’s Associate Dean, Research Training and Partnerships for resolution.

Once your thesis is submitted, your candidature is considered to be 'Under Examination' (UX).  If you are a PhD/MPhil student in receipt of a scholarship, your scholarship will be terminated when you submit your thesis or at the end of the Scholarship, whichever occurs first. If you submit your thesis prior to the expiry of the Scholarship, the Scholarship will normally be terminated up to the end of the fortnightly pay period in which your thesis is submitted.

If you are a MRes student in receipt of a scholarship, your scholarship will be terminated at the end of your Scholarship.

For information about the examination process, see the Graduate Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy.

Cotutelle and Joint Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students

If you are enrolled in a Cotutelle or Joint PhD program, refer to your agreement for additional information relating to your examiners and thesis examination. Joint PhD students with a lead university that is not Macquarie University must provide the following information to to ensure your enrolment is not ceased:

  • evidence of your thesis submission
  • 100 words abstract for your Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement
  • a point of contact at the partner university

Celebrating your thesis submission

We’d like to celebrate this achievement with you, so after you’ve submitted your thesis, stop by the Graduate Research Academy (GRA) and take a selfie with us to capture the moment:

Then it’s time to promote yourself!  Join the Graduate Research Academy Network LinkedIn group and share a short statement of the most interesting, unusual or exciting thing about your research (no more than 25 words). Don’t forget to upload your selfie too!

Graduate Research Academy
Level 2, 16 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Submit your thesis via the examination portal. Home page