Student representatives

  1. Students
  2. Study
  3. Graduate research
  4. Have your say
  5. Student representatives

Get to know your student representatives

Graduate research student representatives are elected and appointed to several committees across the university. They work closely with you to ensure your voice is heard by the University on matters such as:

  • academic policies for graduate researchers
  • graduate research course structures
  • on-campus services and provisions for supporting graduate researchers
  • new initiatives for graduate researchers

If you would like to provide feedback to the University, reach out to your representative via their University email address.

Meet your representatives

The Academic Senate is made up of elected and appointed staff and student members from each of our Faculties, along with representatives from many other areas of Macquarie University.

Graduate research student representative:

  • Muhammad Hassan Ali Bajwa

The Research and Research Training Committee is responsible for advising Academic Senate on research and research training matters.

Postgraduate research student representative on Academic Senate

  • Muhammad Hassan Ali Bajwa

Student member nominated by Academic Senate

  • Deborah Wareham

The Graduate Research Advisory Group (GRAG) provides an effective mechanism for graduate researchers to inform decision-making by the Graduate Research Academy leadership and management.

Student Representatives:

Faculty of Arts

  • Flavia Julius
  • Noeleen Lumby

Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences

  • Deborah Wareham
  • Emily Johnson

Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • Mahdi Nouraie

Macquarie Business School

  • Diogo Marcelino Campos-Teixeira
  • Yi Shi

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

  • Gwen Elvin

Student member, RRTC

  • Deborah Wareham

Postgraduate research student representative on Academic Senate

  • Muhammad Hassan Ali Bajwa

Faculty student representatives often take a role in organising Department/School or Faculty social activities, research groups, and conferences. They are also someone you can contact if you have a concern or a suggestion that you'd prefer to discuss with a peer, rather than a member of staff.

You can find view your student representatives in your Faculty iLearn units:

FacultyiLearn units
Faculty of ArtsMRes:  FOAR8990 Master of Research
PhD/MPhil: Arts GR Online Precinct
Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human SciencesMRes:  FMHHS MRes Community Unit
PhD/MPhil: FMHHS PhD Community Unit
Faculty of Science and EngineeringFSE Graduate Research Information Hub
Macquarie Business SchoolMRes: MQBS8990 MRes Program
PhD/MPhil: MQBS PhD and MPhil

Get involved

Find out how you can develop your leadership skills and professional networks at our Get Involved page.